Price of fresh Goat Milk?

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2009
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My printer is starting to sell her goat milk (for the first time), and asked if I wanted to buy it for my soaps. I've been using powdered since I sold my herd several years ago. So I'd love to have fresh again. However, I don't know what is a fair price anymore and doesn't either. She said that her neighbor is selling her for $2 a quart. That seems a bit high to me, but I could be totally wrong.

Anyone have any knowledge on this? I'd sure be grateful :)
Are you buying it from the store, or direct from the farmer? Makes a difference. :)

ETA: I haven't a clue what it goes for in the stores. Cow's milk either, for that matter. Haven't had to buy milk in years. :D Or eggs. Man, I love farming!