price increase at WSP

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The price difference is head spinning......I just can't cut them loose completely....they have a few scents that I cannot find anywhere -- Unless someone has found these elsewhere and would be willing to share......I searched the boards and came up empty....

Bladderwrack - EO blend
Over the Hill - FO

These are two scents that we CANNOT do without. They are our favorites.
I, too, have a problem I cannot shake. I began using their "all natural flavor/fragrance oils of vanilla mint, honey almond, and maraschino cherries - the honey almond in my shampoo bar that is very popular. They want more than $13 for a 2 oz. now!!! I just cannot justify that expense without raising the price on my bars to $10! So, I'm on the hunt for matching but all natural fragrance oils - I don't think I'll find them.
sweetcreekherbs said:
I, too, have a problem I cannot shake. I began using their "all natural flavor/fragrance oils of vanilla mint, honey almond, and maraschino cherries - the honey almond in my shampoo bar that is very popular. They want more than $13 for a 2 oz. now!!! I just cannot justify that expense without raising the price on my bars to $10! So, I'm on the hunt for matching but all natural fragrance oils - I don't think I'll find them.

The topic of "all natural" FOs has come up before and I think the conclusion has always been that there are no ALL natural FOs. Try a search of 'all natural' in the fragrance oil forum and you might be able to find some of the old threads on it.
I've been looking for strawberry seeds because eventually I'll have to buy some more and out of morbid curiosity decided to check what WSP's would cost.


16.56 for 0.25 lb
$53.00 for 1 lb

Double yikes!
$169.87 for 5 lb

Is this insane or what? :shock:

This is 2 to 2 1/2 times more than I'd have to pay to get them from MMS and they're in Utah!
Hazel said:
16.56 for 0.25 lb
$53.00 for 1 lb

Double yikes!
$169.87 for 5 lb

here's sweet cakes:
2oz - $3.75
8oz - $12.75
1 pound - $25.25

Shipping from MN to OR:
United Parcel Service (UPS GND 1 X 2.2) $11.64

Total: 36.89 with shipping vs WSP's 53.00?

Ah, no.
Thanks Amy! I didn't think about checking Sweet Cakes.

But you know there's something terribly wrong with a company that is charging almost $170 for 5 lbs of strawberry seeds. I can't see this company keeping customers much longer with their outrageous prices. I'm starting to feel sorry for her because I think the company is being run into the ground.

eta: I checked shipping from MMS for 1 lb and it's still cheaper to buy from them.
Hazel said:
Thanks Amy! I didn't think about checking Sweet Cakes.

But you know there's something terribly wrong with a company that is charging almost $170 for 5 lbs of strawberry seeds. I can't see this company keeping customers much longer with their outrageous prices. I'm starting to feel sorry for her because I think the company is being run into the ground.

eta: I checked shipping from MMS for 1 lb and it's still cheaper to buy from them.

I just did a random google search to see if there were any close to WSP... doesn't look like it!

I'd like to think she has someone to bounce ideas off of - but who would give the ok for this insanity?
AmyW said:
but who would give the ok for this insanity?

I'd ok it if the money was going into my pocket. :lol:

I know what you mean. She can't be paying that much for bulk supplies so how is she coming up with these prices?
Oh their business model seems a bit wacky. They are, apparently, less expensive for SOME items - perhaps for things which make or break the order? And then charges more on other items to make up for it. Plus she offers "free" (LOL) shipping not only in the US, but also to Canada - which means the prices paid in the US have to cover the high shipping costs to Canada. No offense to those of you up North, but it seems absurd I need to pay extra so you can have free shipping - there has to be a better way.

Many folks have contacted them with suggestions, and - frankly - complaints. Their words fall upon deaf ears.

At some point they'll either get their act together, or will fail.

or perhaps (gor I hope not) they are just ahead of the curve and everyone else will catch up with them.

(I say "them" because I don't want to make it a personal thing against "her". It's with the business not with a person.)
It's a shame. I used to order almost everything from them because they're in Ohio. They had very good prices and shipping was low because of being in the same state. I did have to pay tax but that was okay. Now it works out cheaper for me to buy from companies farther away.

If they would go back to their old way, I would start buying some supplies from them again.