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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
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Portland, OR
It's seems the authors of the books I've been reading have their favorite go-to to keep their soaps from going rancid. In Sarah Ade's book she lists grapefruit seed extract, rosemary extract and Vitamin E as additives to keep soap from spoiling. Do you use these? Also what is the difference between preservatives and antioxidants applying to soap?
Oh and is rosemary extract the same as rosemary essential oil?
I use rosemary oleoresin (not the same as the essential oil) and it seems to work well as an antioxidant. As for preservatives I don't think they're necessary in soap. Even with DOS the soap is still usable, just doesn't look good and might smell stale.
I use a few drops of Vit. E with every batch. I haven't had any trouble with DOS since I started using Vit. E. Another thing you can do is to add Vit. E to any oils you buy, I think this extends the shelf life.
I don't put anything in my soaps and haven't had any problems, even with DOS. I let my soaps cure open air for about a month, then wrap them up in cotton (I buy the scraps of a yard or so for $1.50ish). They continue to sit on my shelf in my garage once wrapped. I have bastille soaps that are over a year old with no DOS and are perfectly good soaps.
Grapefruit Seed Extract is not a preservative; it contains an additive which acts as an artificial preservative, however.

Rosemary oleoresin and Vitamin E are anti-oxidants and will prolong the shelf life of your oils.

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