Prep for February Challenge

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Nov 6, 2010
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Hello all,

February's challenge will be Soap Molding, using Sorcery Soap's recipe for moldable soap dough. It requires at least a week of prep to make so I wanted to post a link to her site so people can start whenever they wish, or order pre-made dough if they choose.

Bee is very clear that in order to have success with her recipe, every step must be followed to a T. Her recipe is straightforward, but she emphasizes that after you pour and cover with plastic, you leave the soap in the mold for a minimum of 12 hours. I thought I just read or watched a video in which she said to leave it for 2-3 days, but now I can't find it. After you unmold, you immediately seal it from contact with air and leave it without touching it for a minimum of 3 days and preferably longer, up to a week. At that point, she recommends testing it for pliability and workability.

She has used fragrances but has found that some change the feel of the dough, some improving it and some making it unusable and far too sticky. She doesn't list FO's that don't work, so fragrance at your own risk.

It's a lesson in patience, which is not my personal strong suit. You can buy dough from her and I've seen it sold on Etsy although I don't know if that is Bee or someone else.

This is not one to start come the first of February because if your dough is not right, you won't find out for a week or so and then re-starting will feel very rushed. Properly stored, it will last for several months, if not more, so making it in January will not be too soon.

I'm posting the link to her blog that has the recipe and instructions. She has numerous blog posts about it and has some videos up as well.

See you in February!
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Thanks newbie!!
(Don't worry jewels621! If you've ever made soap balls, soap rocks or handmade soap jewels ;) you've already started practicing! :))

Bhakti Iyata's soap dough recipe is lard based (with a large percentage of coconut). B has mentioned in her blog that she would be posting a vegan version, but I was not able to find it to post a link (I'm sure that it was there a couple of years ago, but it might have gone into her ebook - either that or I'm not looking hard enough ...)

Sarah Chapin posted on a picture of her chicken nest and eggs on her facebook page in early 2015, and recently Amanda Gail (of Lovin' Soap) did a blog post on their 2015 soap dough challenge, which has a vegan/palm recipe at the end. I can't vouch for how well it performs (I make my own), but it looks pretty clay-like in the pictures.
Looks like Bee offers the vegan recipe only in her book. Thanks for posting links to other recipes.

I do notice that the vegan recipe in the blog is also 30% coconut oil.

Hey there, CaraBou! I have been long absent and not making soap. Have to get back at it, if for no other reason than to get a challenge together. Hopefully it will get everyone's creative juices flowing.
Looks like Bee offers the vegan recipe only in her book. Thanks for posting links to other recipes.

Hey there, CaraBou! I have been long absent and not making soap. Have to get back at it, if for no other reason than to get a challenge together. Hopefully it will get everyone's creative juices flowing.

Same here, but for me, life got in the way..

And we do not have monthly challenges anymore?
I've tried several of Bee's soap dough recipes and can never get them to work - I suspect it may be a difference in sourcing ingredients?? I've also purchased some of her dough to get an idea of what the end goal is and I didn't even come close to it with any of my attempts. I did, however, find a recipe online that I have made close to 20 times and it works perfectly every time (I think it may be the one alluded to in previous posts on this thread). Here's the one that I use:

I usually split this batch into 4 plastic cups (I really like Solo cups for this, but I have used other brands and they seem to take longer to get the soap to the unmolding consistency that I like) and color. Cover each cup with plastic wrap and tuck all 4 into a gallon zip lock bag and seal. 12 hours later I snip the cup to start tearing it away from the soap. Wearing gloves I can smoosh it around to make sure the color is uniformly distributed, and then wrap in plastic wrap and pop into a sealed bag for good measure. I have never been zapped after 24 hours, so that's when I start using mine.

Really looking forward to this challenge!
So I was thinking about this, and while I will give a try to making the dough from CP, there is more than one way to make soap dough with MP.

So is this going to be an CP challenge exclusively? Do we have to use sorcery recipe?

As an idea, why don't you post the challenge already with pictures samples of what the challenge and rules would be? That would be so helpful!