Pre-made bases..?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Queensland Australia
What does everyone think about pre-made bases? Like body butters, scrubs, lotions, shampoos, etc. Is is smarter (business wise) to make it from scratch or is it better to go with premade bases? I am preparing to start a small business and I am truly just starting out. I have been reading like crazy...making oil blends, trialling products, and so on. I am still a very far way off from getting anything off the ground but it is my goal. Would be a big help if I could get some input from you other "soapers" :) Thanks all!!!!
Hi Vonna, I can only let you know what I do and my preferences. I like to make my stuff from scratch so I know how it was made and exactly what's in it because I made it. Having said that there are crafters that will use bases and then add their own products to make it theirs. There is a lot of room to play with a base, it's just not my thing.

I use pre-made lotion & cream bases, but I did a LOT of shopping around to find ones that didn't have a lot of junk in them. I wouldn't sell them if I wasn't completely satisfied with them myself. There's nothing in them that isn't in a lotion or cream made from scratch.

I use bases, because it relieves me of the responisibility of challenge-testing & worrying about how much & which preservatives to use.

Some day, I may take the plunge & make my own.
Thanks for the tips :) I would love to make my bases from scratch but just don't have enough expertise to do so :) I'm not sure what preservatives to use and how much to use so until I do some more research it's going to be natural bases :)