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Men and that "don't wanna" attitude are fun! When we bought our new house two years ago, there were two things I didn't like about it - 1) the kitchen is horrible to work in and 2) there's no deck, just a patio on the far end of the yard. Last summer I started showing hubby some ideas I have for building a deck right off the back door. He gave me the "are you freaking crazy" look and said no, the patio at the end of the yard is just fine, he would not be building a deck. I let it drop because we had quite a few projects going on last summer. Well... after a whole summer of using the patio, and then not having access to the grill because it was buried in 4 feet of snow, hubby came up to me last week and asked me to show him my ideas again, and started measuring the yard and costing materials. Now... how long do I wait before I bring up the kitchen??
HAHA yeah, it's not that he doesn't really want to do it, it's just that unless I push him, he won't. He has no "get up and go" on his own. Once he gets started he's fine. We have (aka HAD) a really nice big wooden deck. It's still out there, but it is warped so bad and so dry/cracked that it just is not enjoyable and we don't use it, so we are going to tear that one down, and redo it with that Trex stuff. Hopefully it will last longer, be easier to maintain and we will enjoy it more.
The front lawn has needed it for years. We look like the hillbillies of the block because our lawn is the worst of the neighbourhood. Need to fix that and once I started doing the pricing, I realized it's going to be about 1/3 of what I thought the cost was going to be.
If I wasn't in the phase of long arm/short arm trying to read I might read them. I need new glasses and now readers :( But good to know that it is also in book form ! I have to admit I like the movies better as I get to drool over the cute guys

@amd don't cha love it !!! So much fun ! keep a journal topic here so we can see how it goes !

I've been using Large Print versions whenever available for at least 5 years now. Not all books are readily available in Large Print, but when I borrow from the library, they tend to be easier to find, especially since we can order inter-library. I do still need readers, but it makes it less problematic. Even with readers, regular print size can be a strain on my eyes.

I do get the 'drool over the cute guys' though. Never did I even consider my mother or grandmother (at my age) would have thought of any guy as a heart throb or even 'hunky'. ;)
I have to admit I like the movies better as I get to drool over the cute guys
LOL My imagination can produce images so much better than anyone on TV! There are like 4 actors/models, whatever that I think are cute enough to drool over. The rest eh, meh.
LOL Of course looking at my hub you'd think my tastes were not so picky!! HAHAHA
If I wasn't in the phase of long arm/short arm trying to read I might read them. I need new glasses and now readers :( But good to know that it is also in book form ! I have to admit I like the movies better as I get to drool over the cute guys

@amd don't cha love it !!! So much fun ! keep a journal topic here so we can see how it goes !
LOL When my mom and dad were in the long arm phase, they used to joke about holding the newspaper up across the table for each other so they could read it. Thanks for the memory.

My hub looks like a mix between Bob Saget, Ed McCaffrey, and Nicolas Cage. LMAO
When he was younger, my husband looked like a younger Paul McCartney. Now, he looks more like Keith Richards. (Here, he was playing around with a pair of sunglasses he found on campus; this was a few years ago; his hair is more grey now.)
Here in the Philippines a lot of houses have what we call a "dirty kitchen" which in some cases is partially outside. The inside "kitchen" only has the fridge, microwave and toaster for appliances and the stove and sink is outside. Food items that more or less don't need cooking is inside, and the good crockery.

All the mess that happens prior and post cooking n eating is outside, including all the smelly stuff like fish paste and spices lol. Everyday plates n flatware is here as well. Further down is the laundry area and where everything else that can't be stored inside is lol

As the name implies, it's a mess here lol while the inside kitchen is pristine.. Nothing glamorous, but as it's raining again, it's nice n cool right now.


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Here in the Philippines a lot of houses have what we call a "dirty kitchen" which in some cases is partially outside. The inside "kitchen" only has the fridge, microwave and toaster for appliances and the stove and sink is outside. Food items that more or less don't need cooking is inside, and the good crockery.

All the mess that happens prior and post cooking n eating is outside, including all the smelly stuff like fish paste and spices lol. Everyday plates n flatware is here as well. Further down is the laundry area and where everything else that can't be stored inside is lol

As the name implies, it's a mess here lol while the inside kitchen is pristine.. Nothing glamorous, but as it's raining again, it's nice n cool right now.
When my son & DIL lived in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico, my son built their house and the kitchen was completely outdoors. It is the tropics there, so it worked very well to have the kitchen outside, but of course they did need a sort of a roof for it in the rainy season. Nothing anywhere as nice as you have there, Dawni. They roughed it a lot more than they do now, that's for sure. But he has always enjoyed cooking outdoors and I think that's one of the reasons he likes to build outdoor kitchens.

Some of my grandparents had their laundry area outside. I was really surprised to see the washer outside on their porch (they lived in Oregon, which is a state in the US that gets a lot of rain and did back then, too.) But it was there for the whole time they lived there, and so was one of their freezers, another thing that surprised me. This was ages ago (they've been dead a very long time now.)

My SIL tells me they are putting their laundry room on their back porch, which is outside as well, at least temporarily. I was even more surprised because that house is in Colorado, a state that gets some pretty cold winters, although they do live far enough West that they don't get much snow. Still I wouldn't want to do laundry on the back porch in the winter in Colorado. Way too cold for me when it comes to household chores! But it's only temporary until they get the renovations completed.
When he was younger, my husband looked like a younger Paul McCartney. Now, he looks more like Keith Richards. (Here, he was playing around with a pair of sunglasses he found on campus; this was a few years ago; his hair is more grey now.)
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I can see a younger not near as rough looking Keith Richards
well dontcha just love when that happens!!!! is the frame of your existing deck warped? if not have you thought of just re-doing the surface boards?
EVERYTHING is warped, splintered, discolored and just ugly. I'm tired of it. It'd be different if my hub would stain and proof it once a year like recommended, but he just doesn't. He was good about it for the first 5 years or so, but the last 15 years, pfft he hasn't done squat, and I think in the last 12 years or so we've used the deck less than 4-5 times because of it.
I like the look of the Trex stuff, it's very very low maintenance, and weather won't ruin it like it does in wood decks.
FYI trex gets HOT to the bare feet if in the sun ;)
But very nice to not have to paint and splinters

what doesn't get hot in the sun haha my big deck was on the south side--I hated the fact that I needed to wear shoes on it :) . the "no splinter"aspect sounds great. I got splinters from my deck and they seem to go in deep when you step on them
FYI trex gets HOT to the bare feet if in the sun ;)
But very nice to not have to paint and splinters
We will have an awning to cover it, because our back faces north-west, but more west, so in the afternoons it's in the direct sun/heat. We needed one even for our wooden deck, so we'll for sure have one for our new deck.
Funny story about awnings. When my granddaughter was about 6 or 7, she saw a SunSetter Awning commercial on TV. They were pretty much running non-stop that summer, and they repeat their 800# all throughout the commercial. She thought it was such a great idea, that she did just what they said, "Call Now...." She talked to someone at SunSetter for a few minutes then they asked to talk to her parents. Of course, they had no idea she had made this call!
Funny story about awnings. When my granddaughter was about 6 or 7, she saw a SunSetter Awning commercial on TV. They were pretty much running non-stop that summer, and they repeat their 800# all throughout the commercial. She thought it was such a great idea, that she did just what they said, "Call Now...." She talked to someone at SunSetter for a few minutes then they asked to talk to her parents. Of course, they had no idea she had made this call!
Bwahaha that's so funny. Sounds like something my son would have done at that age!!

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