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Jan 11, 2009
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I just made another batch of soap and I absolutely HATE the smell, it's a Juniper Sandalwood. It is the most headache inducing smell ever. I have to get this stuff out of my house, ASAP. What do you all do with your stinky soaps?
I let them cure out (if I can stand it) the scent will sometimes change to a more manageable scent or at the best, turn into something rather pleasant. :)
If the waiting doesn't help it, you can always use it up in laundry. The scent won't make it through the washer and dryer.
Yeah I'd stick it in the garage or somewhere to air out and give it about a month and sniff it again. Juniper Sandalwood sounds like something I would love, perhaps it just needs some time.. ??

I can't tell you how many scented soaps I have made and hated the smell. I just leave them out on the cure rack for 3-4 months. Most mellow, and I can stand them or even like them. Only a few are unbearable to me after that....I wrap those nicely and give them to a homeless shelter. If they are truly awful, I chop them up and use them in the washing machine. I would not want to give the truly awful ones away. The washing machine eats the scent and I never get stinky laundry from them.
I made butt-ugly soap last week, and it has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi... perhaps the reek of cheap cologne or insecticide? It is foul. Foul. (Oddly, mr surf girl kind of liked it until I yelled "IT SMELLS LIKE INSECTICIDE!" whereupon he said, "Hmm, yeah, it kind of does, now that you mention it.") I am hoping that by the time Hallowe'en rolls around, it will smell somewhat better (because the hideous soap is black and orange, so maybe, in October, someone will think it's great soap).

I never throw stuff out.

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