Patchouli - does it get better??

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2015
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I've been seeing people raving about patchouli oil, So yesterday I decided to pick some up.when I got home I opened the bottle and WOW! It stunk to high heaven! Now I know sense have a tendency to change and morph overtime – is this one of them? Does it get better if you would use it by itself or do you have to use this in combination with other essential oils?
It totally depends on what kind of Patch you are using. I like the Dark Patchouli. Unfortunately, I don't know where it's from as it was purchased though a Co-Op. It's very earthy smelling. It's actually grown on me since I make so much of it. There are some really dedicated Patch lovers out there for sure. I still wouldn't use as I'm not THAT fond of it. I'm getting ready to order some more and am going to try New Directions I think.
Thanks shunt. The patchouly that I got is from the vitamin shop store. If you check out the link to my blog below you can see what brand because I can't remember I think it might be actually be there storebrand. It just doesn't boil me over is something that I would really ever use myself.
Thanks shunt. The patchouly that I got is from the vitamin shop store. If you check out the link to my blog below you can see what brand because I can't remember I think it might be actually be there storebrand. It just doesn't boil me over is something that I would really ever use myself.

Patch is a really good base note for alot of blends. If you don't like it straight, try and mix it with some other FO's or EO's.
Our local soap store sells a path lavender blend that is really nice. The lavender knocks the strong pungent notes of the patch down to a nice earthy note. Personally I love patch but no one else in the family does.
I don't much care for patchouli usually, but I've fallen in love with the aged dark patchouli from SMR. So I think it really depends on what kind you get from what supplier. Or you just don't like patchouli :)
Thanks everyone. maybe you're right, I just may not be a patchouly person. Seawolfe,what is SMR?
Patch is a "love it" or "hate it" type scent, that's for sure, lol. I happen to love it but many certainly don't. As others have said, it depends on the type you have too. I don't know anything about the patch you got but try a blend to see what you think. I absolutely love it mixed with lavender and 10x orange, all equal parts.
Thanks everyone. maybe you're right, I just may not be a patchouly person. Seawolfe,what is SMR?
Oh sorry! Soap making resource - they had a sale on dark Patch, I bought some at hubbys request, loved it and bought more. My scent collection was missing base notes, so it definitely fills a niche.
Hi There - I love Patchouli - the scent will definitely vary depending on the quality and where it is sourced from - This is not the kind of oil to go cheap on...I find when sourced directly from India is smells the best. Try mixing with some Jojoba oil -
I just can't get with patchouli. I've tried. It reminds me too much of my grubby art school days - incense burned until my neighbours' eyes probably bled, etc., and sandalwood is the same. It smells like armpits, to me. I wish I could find a blend that doesn't make my psyche itch, I have so many requests for both. :-(

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