well, if you were to go into the fast food business tomorrow, do you think mcdonald's would just hand over their suppliers, recipes and ideas?
i don't know about you, but i've put A LOT of time doing research (not just here) all over the web. this site is fun and very informative, but every hour i've spent here, i've probably spent another 10 outside of this site researching.
it's one thing, sharing info and sources here, and just giving all your resources to someone who hasn't done any research. i'm pretty sure everyone here has done a lot of leg and finger work getting to where they are at.
you can give a man a fish, blah, blah, blah.
just tell her it's in the best interest of your business and staying unique, that you can't just give her all of your stuff. essentially, you would just be handing over your business to her, to see if she can run it better than you.