Other hobby...weaving...of a sort...

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Jun 29, 2016
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Arlington, TX
So far my most enduring hobby, and one that's made me some money, has been making chainmail jewelry, pouches, belts, and other assorted non-armor items. Below are just two examples.

I even ended up writing 3 Kindle books on how to chainmail. Here's the first Kindle book on chainmailling I wrote:
Chainmail Made Easy: Beginner's Guide in 7 Easy Steps!

I made this or a variation of this most often for sale. A hematite bead and sterling silver bracelet.

This is a pouch I made from bright aluminum rings with a dragon inlay.
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Very nice! Do you have a shop you sell them in? And hello from a former Texan! I used to live in Arlington myself :wave:
Very nice! Do you have a shop you sell them in? And hello from a former Texan! I used to live in Arlington myself :wave:

It's a small world, eh? :) No, I don't have a shop. I used to sell those bracelets to people at my various jobs over the years as people requested them.

That pouch is beyond awesome!

Thanks Susie! I had another one just like it, same inlay, but the rings were titanium. But I gave it to a friend for Christmas.

At current metal prices, especially for titanium rings, my material cost alone is about $125 US so I won't be making another one anytime soon...
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I do chainmail myself. What's your favorite weave to make? My new favorite is Jen's Pind. Tricky, until you figure out how to 'see' the pattern. Then it's easy. Of course, that's true for a good many weaves. :mrgreen:
I do chainmail myself. What's your favorite weave to make? My new favorite is Jen's Pind. Tricky, until you figure out how to 'see' the pattern. Then it's easy. Of course, that's true for a good many weaves. :mrgreen:

I'd have to say GSG. I love the flat, tight form that makes a great bracelet but Jen's Pind is great weave that makes a beautiful necklace. Another I love but have difficulty weaving is Dragon Scale.
Wow! Beautiful work! I didn't know anyone was making chainmail these days. I seriously love it!

ETA: I'm enthralled by the bracelet. It's gorgeous!

Thanks Krista! It's a thriving hobby. There's a guy in Canada who started making his own rings about 15 years back and within a few years he was making and selling enough rings that he was able to quit his job. Today I know he has over 4 large industrial ring making machines and a lot more. His website is http://www.theRingLord.com. I purchase most of my rings from him.