OOPS Quiz!

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Jun 2, 2012
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Mountains of Eastern Oregon
Boy did I pull a Goober! Was making my favorite goat milk soap last night, make it all the time. Could not understand why it took forever to trace, should have been my first clue,but no! :crazy: Never did get a nice trace, was afraid I would burn up my stick blender, so I poured, and left. This morning I go out to my soaping room and there's my beautiful "soft" soap. So I say to myself, "Self, what did you do"? Now I'm looking at my recipe and it hits me "POW" right between my eyes. I turned the numbers on my milk, instead of being "lye heavy" I'm (after a quick calculation) 10 ozs. "lye light"! Arg! It did get hard enough to unmold!

OK so here's the quiz:

Bet you can't you tell which loaf is last night's and which is from this morning? I know it's a hard one just take your time and do your best!
Pencils up, ready and go! ;)

Goat Milk.jpg
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Wow...I'm surprised it got hard enough to mold!! Don't you hate when you do something like that!!! :lol:
I screwed up the other day. I was making a batch with three different oils. 12 hours later could not figure out why my soap had a high PH, or why my mold was 1/3 too low. I then cut into it and found the center still wet. it was an hour later that I noticed that I forgot to add one of my three oils. I ended up adding the 3rd oil to the re-batch and having to deal with the ugly soap syndrome. I cut off the ugly parts and added the strips to my soap scraps bag. over all the soaps will take quite a while to cure and are not the ideal size. I will have to use this batch for personal use only.
I screwed up the other day. I was making a batch with three different oils. 12 hours later could not figure out why my soap had a high PH, or why my mold was 1/3 too low. I then cut into it and found the center still wet. it was an hour later that I noticed that I forgot to add one of my three oils. I ended up adding the 3rd oil to the re-batch and having to deal with the ugly soap syndrome. I cut off the ugly parts and added the strips to my soap scraps bag. over all the soaps will take quite a while to cure and are not the ideal size. I will have to use this batch for personal use only.

Aww, soapguy. That sucks truly! That is the worst!! I wonder if I'll ever forget to add an oil. It's easy to do, when you're going through your list of calculations, and maybe adding them out of order (maybe more solid oils first, though not written that way). I feel for ya. At least you can use it. I had to throw a whole bath away, the other day. My first one. What a waste!! : )
I'll guess the swirly one, lol.

It should cure just fine if too much milk is the only issue. It will just take longer to get hard, hard. That doesn't make sense, it will take longer to get to be what you consider a hard bar of soap.
I'll guess the swirly one, lol.

It should cure just fine if too much milk is the only issue. It will just take longer to get hard, hard. That doesn't make sense, it will take longer to get to be what you consider a hard bar of soap.

Too much milk..... That makes me wonder. I have some powdered goat's milk that has not been touched in a few months because I found a source for fresh GM. I hate for it to go to waste. I'm wondering about making a super-milk soap, both fresh and extra powdered. Has anyone tried this? Just mixing it with a bit of liquid and adding it probably at trace?
Too much milk..... That makes me wonder. I have some powdered goat's milk that has not been touched in a few months because I found a source for fresh GM. I hate for it to go to waste. I'm wondering about making a super-milk soap, both fresh and extra powdered. Has anyone tried this? Just mixing it with a bit of liquid and adding it probably at trace?

I've just been stirring powdered into the oils since someone (forgot who, so I can't give proper credit, sorry) posted that is what they do. It works just fine. I just stick blend it in and make sure there are no lumps, before adding the lye solution. It comes out perfectly that way.

I did read someone adds their fresh milk at light trace and has no problems with that either. I don't have any fresh, so I use powdered. A super milk soap sounds wonderful.

Maybe google look for last month's post on GM soap or Milk soap, had to be when I read these posts.
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The swirly soap has to be your latest proper soap because you said the extra milk soap it was so soft, it never traced- no way you can get those types of swirly tops with an untraced soap!

One day I was making a tallow soap and doing a 4 color one- all excited with a new FO and my plan for an awesome look. It would be my best soap ever!! So I stirred it up and split it to color. Everything started to trace so I poured and covered it and set it on the counter. I went back a while later and it seemed too soft yet, which seemed pretty suspicious but I'm generally too impatient and get myself into trouble, so I went to bed and left it. In the morning, I came out and it was still really soft and waaaay too pliable- what the heck! Well, I found my lye water on the counter next to the sink. Completely forgot to add it. The oils got thick because the tallow was solidifying as the temp dropped. I was pissed off. I added the lye water and mixed it up and it became my Troll Booger soap because that's what it looked like.

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