oops, my poor soap looks ill lol

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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I was a little absent-minded when I made a batch of soap last night. I lined the silicone mold with mineral oil, which I didn't need to do.. My soap looks like it was rolling around with a dirty bar and caught a minor disease, eh? lol

Cute description. Dirty bear, very funny.

It doesn't look bad though. I guess the soap tried to absorb/saponify the mineral oil?

Cute description. Dirty bear, very funny.

It doesn't look bad though. I guess the soap tried to absorb/saponify the mineral oil?

I'm testing a silicone mold and am getting the same results - everyone raves about not having to line the mold, but all the pockmarks drive me crazy.

I don't put anything on the mold. I've tried changing the lye:water ratio, gel or no gel, CPOP or wrap in towels or just leaving it out in the open to cool... always get the marks. Maybe it's my oil mix? I'm using OO/PO/CO/Castor at 40/30/25/5, with a 5% discount. If anyone has a definitive answer, I'd be very happy to hear it...
It is orange in color--and the texture looks like the texture on an orange--You could be on to something! Call it "Orange Peel Deluxe"--(provided it has the right scent) :) :)
Just out of curiosity, what's the brand of the mold? Maybe it's a certain brand that does it cause my silicone mold doesn't do that....but I was going to make a blood orange soap...maybe I should buy that mold! LOL
It's from wsp. It was my own mistake, I wasn't thinking and put a ton of mineral oil on thinking it was a different mold. Funny tho, it is orange scented lol
I have those same molds.
Don't use mineral oil, mine come out as smooth as glass.
Deda, if your bars are coming out "smooth as glass", can you share your base recipe and technique? I'd really like to make this mold work, but obviously something I am doing is incompatible... btw, mine is the square CC silicone mold from wsp as well. Thanks!
Have the same mold and have made many similar recipe batches in it with smooth sides. Occasionally I'll have a batch that gets smaller pockmarks but they don't bother me.... I figure it may be when I'm pouring at a thicker trace.
I use the Crafters Choice molds from WSP and I don't have any troubles with them. I don't use mineral oil or line them. My soaps are always very smooth. I've been very happy using these molds.

As far as the recipe request, I really don't think the recipe is the key here. I've used all sorts of different recipes in my molds and each came out well.

Definitely don't use the mineral oil and make sure you leave your soap in long enough that you can unmold without damaging the soap. That seems to be my biggest problem. I've learned to be patient with them.
I'm with Holly on this one, though I don't use WSP molds, my silicone molds come from the baking section at Superstore (Canada). Never had any pox marks or anything on my soap.
Oops! If I stepped over some etiquette boundary asking about someone's base recipe, I apologize...

On the other hand, I'm running out of ideas here. I don't use a release agent (mineral oil), I pour at light to medium trace, and the bars pop out of the mold easily. Yet I still have the pockmarks. Pretty much the only variables left are the recipe and the mix & cure temps. My thought was that if I could duplicate an apparently successful mix, that might show where I'm going wrong.

At any rate, thanks for listening and if you think of anything else, I'd appreciate it - PM is fine too, if you don't want to broadcast your mad soap skillz... :D
i think it looks cool, your recipe sounds ok, i use that same recipe, maybe a little less oo, but like it.

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