Oo la la!! TKB Neons have arrived!

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Nov 6, 2010
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I can't wait to have a chance at these. The raging raspberry is FANTASTIC looking (the big purple bag closest to the bottom). I will surely post how they come out when I get a chance to use them!

I was looking at the photo section because my colors look a bit different from the person who just soaped some of TKBs colors. Mine are labeled Neon and her are labeled Fluorescents but they look a fair amount different. I hope we can compare the colors through pictures.
Wow! that yellow is bright!!! And the raging raspberry is pretty!!! Can't wait to see how they work for you
Oh the raging raspberry is much prettier in real life! If it stays true, I will be in love. The yellow is ridiculous! However, if I'm doing swirls it always seems like the yellow gets lost or blends in too much. I don't think that will be a problem with this. I'm waiting for my dividers to get here from (bebe) Richard--- In Taiwan!!! I have to wait for about 8 more days I think. It's killing me!

Wednesday I'll have a chance to make something. Will surely use at least some of these. I have to think of something apropos.
I want thoseeeee!

i think the only difference b/w neon and fluo is their grade. neon is non cosmetic grade, while fluo is.
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I have the Raging Raspberry and it does bleed in M&P, not sure, but I think it will in CP as well. All the colors that bled in M&P have done the same in CP. It's very pretty color. Super vibrant.
It will be interesting to see. The bag says stable and non-bleeding. Do you mean the lather is colored or that the color migrates within the bar?

I am a bit ticked. I made a soap using all of them. I put each into glycerin and mixed it well and them added a touch of water. It looked like it mixed pretty well. Added the soap and stirred and stirred but after my pour (I did pour very thin), I see there are blips of color all over. PEEVED! I can only hope they rose to the top. Now I'm trying to manage a gel that won't lead to any separation, although I let the soap sit for about 2 hours to make sure it was put together. I will have some baby sitting to do. We'll see how all the colors look in the am and I will post some pics after I cut. Because of how the pour went, you can't see too many of the colors right now but I'm hopeful it will be okay once cut.

From the pictures, it looks like the fluoro orange is a lighter paler color than the neon. Hard to tell with the pink because in my picture above, the pink looks kind of light but is anything but that.
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The color migrates in the bar. I have tried over 40 of their non-bleeding colors and a good amount bleed. Neon yellow and green bleed in both M&P and CP. Their EZB Lakeside which is a great green that I'm in love with bleeds for sure. Cosmetic Fluorescent Soft Pink fades and bleeds. Cosmetic Fluorescent yellow bleeds. I'm not at home so I can't remember them all.

The pigments and micas don't bleed, but that's to be expected. I don't like to say negative things about companies, it's just my nature, but I guess I'm not helping anyone.

I have a great way of testing colors that works great for me. I use a brownie bites silicone mold and add colorant to my soap and pour the soap in the mold. I then pour a layer of white soap over that. I pin them to a large shadow box with hinged lid and pin the name of the color above it. I wait a few weeks or months and see if they bleed. I don't want any surprises with my soap colors. It's been very helpful. I was going to post a pic, but the requirements for this site to post pics is too much for me to deal with so I didn't.

I'm curious to see what your results are with these colorants.

Is it the same thing with the neons? I just gave in and bought a bunch coz I've been craaaaavvvviiinggg neon colors for a while. does anyone know neons that doesn't bleed at all? i rarely do single color, so this is important for me.
Well, I poured too thin and so the texture of this is not very good and it's more translucent than normal. Also the colorant is grainy because the soap was so thin. The nature of the swirl doesn't show off each color that well, but this is it in natural daylight. They are bright, I must say.

I will have to watch this over time re: the bleeding issue. I have used their neons in the bottle and don't recall bleeding but that doesn't mean they didn't.


Newbie I would be so excited if my swirls looked that good! I recently purchased a bunch of the TKB fluorescent colors. The blaze is just like the photo, more of a peach, love the strong pink, the red orange is more hot pink in my recipe, The strong yellow is very nice, haven't had any bleed, still have to try the soft pink. I really love their cosmic Carolyn mica. It reminds me of the raspberry pop.
THank you! I was excited about the swirl but not that the soap doesn't feel quite right and I don't like seeing the sandy grains of color powder. The texture may improve as it dries, so we'll see.

I love Cosmic Carolyn too! I love many of their micas but they don't have the soap-stable range that they used to. The red orange Neon is pretty orange so I think it will need a bit of doctoring to try to get it actually red, but that's okay. Did you get the RAging raspberry or the Olde Neon Purple, Oliveoil? Talk about pinkish purple!

I like the idea of the samples in the brownie bites mold. I went looking for those multiple times but in each place they were always sold out, every time!
I have heard very good things about the pop mica replacements at nurturesoapsupplies.com

You might want to try dispersing your colors in a bit of olive or castor oil instead of glycerin. I have gotten more uniform results that way.
Newbie I have been looking at both of those, and will put at least one in my next order. I just received an order from The Conservatorie, and since they have a $50 minimum, and sell in larger sizes, it may take me awhile to place another TKB Order. I did get a couple of purples, and a magenta. I haven't soaped any of them, and probably won't be able to for a couple of weeks. I have been out of town, so instead of soaping I've mostly been ordering soap stuff.
Newbie - your swirls look great! I hope they don't bleed on you. Not all of them bleed and it took a few weeks, plus the colors i used were used right next to white soap so the bleeding was easy to see.

I have the mica colorants from nurturesoapsupplies and none of them bleed and they are very vibrant and pretty. I highly recommend them.
I've used the Neons and Flourescents fro TKB for a few years. Their neons were changed a while ago. I have never had a problem with mixing them in with a bit of olive oil. No specks etc..also have never had either of them bleed in my CP. However, I've also been using the colorants from Nurture Soap Supplies and I like them even better. They aren't as heavy but both work fantastic for me.

Your swirls turned out so pretty!
WEll, I will definitely be checking out Nurture! I haven't looked at their stuff at all. I can't wait to see what other people make with their neons!
I know this thread is old, but I was searching for Cosmic Carolyn (which I love). Just wanted to add that Ragin' Raspberry does indeed bleed in CP soap. It took a while, but about one month after it was cut I realized it had migrated. Also the yolk yellow bled.

Does anyone know which mica from Conservatorie or Nurture is close to Cosmic Carolyn?

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