Olive Oil Soap - Dark Yellow

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
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Hey everyone,

Today I attempted to make an Olive Oil soap, its currently under "wraps"

I noticed (while browsing the web) that some other castile soaps appeared almost white in color, however mine is a very dark yellow, wondering if that's just the type of oil I used.... it does say "Extra Virgin", this is from Mastro

(Picture below)

Still can't wait to see the final results, and I'm ready to try something new.

If this question seems funny, remember..... I'm a NewB :)

In my experience, extra virgin is giving yellowish color, i usually use either "pomace" or just regular one, it's cheaper, but remember "pomace" is tracing very fast, very little time to play with layers or swirles
hey thanks for that bit of info will keep that in mind and try another oil,

hearing this, however, I'm wondering if combining this oil with other oils and a butter will also help to solve this issue and make me a lighter batch,...... as I have one more bottle left..
Mine started out dark yellow from the EVOO, after a few months it is now a nice cream colour and hard as a rock!
If you don't mind add lard, it makes white nice hard soap, you can mix your EVOO with other oils and butters, just make sure check on soapcalc
Try adding a small amount of Blue dye to it, like 1 - 3 drops, sometimes that helps. Also Vanilla Stablizer does the trick.
I use extra virgin olive oil and always have. It starts off yellow and once it's cured a while it gets a nice stark white.

This is after about a month of curing
fayt said:
Try adding a small amount of Blue dye to it, like 1 - 3 drops, sometimes that helps. Also Vanilla Stablizer does the trick.

That doesn't work to whiten cp that's not scented in vanillin fo's.
thanks for all the great info and advice,

yes, this morning i sneaked a peek under the blankets and did noticed it has lightened up a shade or two, I will take it out later on today (or maybe let it sit another day?) before cutting it
well i arrived home and unwrapped my bundle of "would be joy", only to find that its melting, and looks like the oil is separating.

... guess i made a dud batch...

ah well back to the drawing board

When setting this soap, i put it into a tuber ware container with the lid on, and then wrapped it up with a towel for 24 hrs, could this be the cause, or did i just reach a false trace?

It seemed like I stirred for hours

If it is actually separating, then you probably reached a false trace. But you can always wait another day or two to see if the oil soaks back in. Or you can always just rebatch it.
Vanilla stabilizer doesn't do anything for olive oil soaps. In fact, even good vanilla stabilizers only SLOW the progression of the color change in CP soap... Please do some research on products before touting the supposed benefits of it.

As for the separation of the soap, I'd let it sit for awhile, then see where you're at. At worst, a rebatch would work, lol.
I agree with Genny- let it sit a few days (uncovered) before making a final judgement. Oftentimes seeping oil will absorb back in if given time (depending on the severity of the problem).

IrishLass :)
it seems to have obtained an odd odor, not sure if its just the olive oil. some of the oil seems to have been absorbed back into the soap, as it was a bit more liquid yesterday, however, at the bottom, it looks like oil has settled in the middle of the bottom of the soap, I will study the re-batching option.
Well what I did instead was create a new batch the other day (and changed the recipe)

I mixed until it was quite thick, and set it in another container, the soap heated up, cooled down in the middle of the night, then was very hot by morning.

I thought it was going bad, as the texture changed a bit from the middle going out towards the edges, also being able to see through the container didn't help me my nerves much.

I read up and viewed some pics on the web, and came to the conclusion that it may have been going through a Gel Phase....

I just let it sit another day basically, and froze it to take it out of the container.....Next time i will use wax paper or cling wrap...

I don't have any ph test strips, and i heard that it could do a "taste test" and that it should be somewhat salty to the tongue (but a pinch of the soap on my tongue just tasted like soap..lol, when that didn't work, I just tested a bit by trying to wash my hands, and she suds up nicely)

So I will just cut this and let it cure, I think this one turned out better, definitely MUCH better than my first hazard, I will still try another batch of just Olive Oil next time.

I read that you can make your soap gel or not gel, I think i prefer to have it not gel, so if i were to make another batch, would it be best not to put the tuber ware lid on, and just use saran wrap and cover with towels, I think by covering with the lid is what caused the soap to go through this change,

Can anyone give some advice or confirm my suspicions?

....also, it still has an odd odor, I'm not sure if its the olive oil i used or just all the ingredients being mixed with the lye.


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