Oil and Butter Suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
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I need to give myself a treat. Feeling pretty frustrated right now. And I'm thinking about what oils butters and other additives might also be useable in lotion or whatever.
Anyone have suggestions on some extra special additives I could give myself?
guess i dont know what your asking? you want to buy some stuff to make soap? get some hemp oil or cocoa butter, get some good lotion(wsp, satin and silk) and add some fun fo? why are you frustrated?
oops I forgot your allergy to hemp. Have you ever made lotion bars? they are awesome, no lye, you can use any cute molds, done in a day.

cocoa butter or shea 3oz
almond 3oz
3 oz beeswax
few drops of vit e

melt together, add eo or fo, pour into molds! i saw a guy at a crarft show sell these for 8$ and i bought one! they were in a cute tin, but those tins are only 50c each.
I guess I am asking for tips on new oils and additives to try for soaping or lotions. So actually your suggestion (WSP) is a good one.

I was thinking about lotion bars, thank you. The ingredients for that will be my treat.

I'm frustrated because my specialist is useless dick and I need to see my normal doctor to get a referral to someone else. It's just frustrating because I'm in pain and I'm just so tired of being it and I'm so tired of being brainless when I am painless because of the painkillers I am taking.

Umm. That was a rant, sorry, but I don't really feel like erasing it because it is the truth. I've been dealing with this doctor for almost a year and rather than helping me, he's been making it worse.
Overthemoon said:
I guess I am asking for tips on new oils and additives to try for soaping or lotions. So actually your suggestion (WSP) is a good one.

I was thinking about lotion bars, thank you. The ingredients for that will be my treat.

I'm frustrated because my specialist is useless ***** and I need to see my normal doctor to get a referral to someone else. It's just frustrating because I'm in pain and I'm just so tired of being it and I'm so tired of being brainless when I am painless because of the painkillers I am taking.

Umm. That was a rant, sorry, but I don't really feel like erasing it because it is the truth. I've been dealing with this doctor for almost a year and rather than helping me, he's been making it worse.

Been there, done that, got the bumper sticker, so rant away. One incompetent **** (insert favorite four-letter epithet there) left me with a rotting gallbadder. For two years. By the time I got it out I was half dead. Literally; the surgeon advised that if it hadn't been taken out they'd have been ordering my gravestone in about two weeks.

How about a nice lotion bar with aloe vera and shea butter? It's nice and silky without being too oily.

Of course, given the circumstances, I'd argue that you need a full spa day of pampering and massaging and treatments.
I'm going to be having a spa day in May! Ah, looking forward to it (my sister's bachlorette party). I just ordered some shea butter and I have aloe, and I have almond oil, I do believe I may try both recipes, it'll be a couple of days for the order to get here.

I have PCOS. I want a hysterectomy, if the parts aren't working (and they aren't) and they are causing me pain, I want them out. But I'm also 24 so. Ya. Doctor would rather not even get into that talk with me.
Overthemoon said:
I'm going to be having a spa day in May! Ah, looking forward to it (my sister's bachlorette party). I just ordered some shea butter and I have aloe, and I have almond oil, I do believe I may try both recipes, it'll be a couple of days for the order to get here.

I have PCOS. I want a hysterectomy, if the parts aren't working (and they aren't) and they are causing me pain, I want them out. But I'm also 24 so. Ya. Doctor would rather not even get into that talk with me.
totally OT, but I've been battling HPV for more than 10 years, and cervical cancer for the past 3 and the insurance company STILL won't cover a hysterectomy. I just had my 3rd procedure... and I'm 46 and SO done having babies LOL.

Treat yourself and have fun with it. Shea is fun, and almond is wonderful in balms and stuff.

I'm sorry - apparently people outside our lives aren't able to comprehend QUALITY.OF.LIFE
Keep on fighting carebear, I appreciate your support. I'm demanding a female doctor, and I am going to fill her head with all the dreams I, like having my own business, and a stable healthy social life, and maybe I can get her to agree with it because obviously it ain't working for me as is. Or I wouldn't still be awake after 24hr, this attack won't and I work again tonight.
I'm sorry to hear about everyone's problems. It makes mine seem very small.

Overthemoon - have you tried Babassu oil? It's considered a drier oil but I consider it more of a type of butter. It sets up at room temperature.

I used a little in with whipped shea butter and it kind of cut the greasiness.

I'll have to tell you more about this if you're interested. I have to leave now.
I have 12# of babassu and now I'm motivated to play, but am on bedrest because I was stupid enough to shovel the 2' snowfall a week post surgery. yea yea. well I had to get the kids and the snow wasn't shoveling itself.

on Monday restrictions are lifted if no more bleeding so keep your fingers crossed.
I have chronic pain( low back, pelvic), and I HAD a hyst for endo, it didnt help, and gives you all sorts of other probs, being without hormones is not good. Pm me if you want to talk about this more.
Hope you have fun making something.
I'm 63, had 5 kids, and been healthy most of my life. 10 years ago developed Meniere's - vertigo with vomiting, tinnitus, exhaustion, etc. I feel sorry for myself with attacks every 3 or 4 months. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be to live every day with a debilitating health problem. My heart goes out to you all, and hope for a better future.

By the way, it took a locum, after 4 years of explaining my symptoms to our local female GP, to get a referral to an ENT specialist, and diagnosis. Keep trying.
Overthemoon said:
I'm going to be having a spa day in May! Ah, looking forward to it (my sister's bachlorette party). I just ordered some shea butter and I have aloe, and I have almond oil, I do believe I may try both recipes, it'll be a couple of days for the order to get here.

I have PCOS. I want a hysterectomy, if the parts aren't working (and they aren't) and they are causing me pain, I want them out. But I'm also 24 so. Ya. Doctor would rather not even get into that talk with me.

Owie. Yes, I fully support anybody's right to choose a hysterectomy if the parts are hurting and not working anyway.

It definitely sounds like you need a woman doctor, or at least a man without his head stuck up his rear.

I wonder if you could put shea AND almond AND aloe in a lotion bar. That might be fun...
Age is against me right now but I was talking about it with my roommate, since she was freaked when I fainted on her last night. And I think what I need to get across is that I took little or no pain meds, and these were T3s when I had breast reduction surgery. That was flea bite compared to this.
Carebear - what do you usually use babassu in? It's a new oil for me so I haven't done much with it.

I got it because I had read that it could be used on both dry and oily skin. Also, that's it good for eczema and anti-inflammatory.
Robyn, i have PCOS and they wont give me a hysterectomy either. i go through days and nights that i have to run to the bathroom 2-3 times a night and after i clean myself up, i have to clean up the floors and bedding ect because it looks like someone was attacked in my house. i get how much pain you are in too and i just wanted to wish you well and let you know that you are not alone. ((hugs))
some soap with it, but I'll be playing with body butter, I think - or melts perhaps.
Thanks, I wondered how others used it.

I had added it to whipped shea and it didn't stay whipped. It hardened it a bit but I liked the texture and the feel of it on my skin.

I guess I'm backwards since I got it to add to body butters and now I want to try it in soap.
Id be in support of removing the parts, if it worked, it didnt for me, does for some. :cry:
Sorry you're fighting with it too Krissy. I'll be seeing my gp this week and getting a new ultrasound. Gp is the reasonable one, she doesn't think I'm over exagerrating. I like her. Seeing a female gyno this time, I don't care if I have to drive to Vancouver.

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