Oh no! HELP! Is that lye I see? REBATCHED, w/ pics!

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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So I made a batch of CP last night... and I think I made a future re-batch instead of a successful batch of soap. :cry:
I went to unmold today, after ~18 hours in mold, and this is what I saw:


Please tell me, is that lye that's precipitated out of the batch? :oops: This had been covered with plastic wrap.

Here's one of the same batch that was in a different mould:


I used a Peppermint EO and the color is from cocoa powder. I'm wanting to blame the cocoa. :(
Have you tried a zap test? Just to make sure it is lye? I would try that before I rebatched it. I don't especially like rebatching though.

You probably wanna wait to do anything until you get an opinion from our more experienced soapers. :)
RockinRodeoChick said:
Have you tried a zap test? Just to make sure it is lye? I would try that before I rebatched it. I don't especially like rebatching though.

You probably wanna wait to do anything until you get an opinion from our more experienced soapers. :)
I decided to go ahead and do a re-batch via the microwave anyway. The internal textures of the "soaps" seemed perfectly smooth, with no lye, but the outside was just so hideous.
I rebatched! The end result:

The last one reminds me of Little Debbie brownies :p
GM soap with cocoa powder and peppermint EO.

ETA: changed to clickable thumbnails. Sorry, didn't realize how big they were.