oh my/ couldnt get out of molds

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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made hp, in cute molds w bumps(massage bars) bad idea! had to break most of them to get them out! never had that happen before. Back to my log mold that i KNOW works. Does cp come out?plastic molds from joannes.
The freezer idea works great for HP (like Barb said) to shrink them a little. You could also lightly grease your moulds with what ever oil you supperfat with, I know that works really well for plastic PVC pipes.
kaseencook said:
The freezer idea works great for HP (like Barb said) to shrink them a little. You could also lightly grease your moulds with what ever oil you supperfat with, I know that works really well for plastic PVC pipes.
tried the freezer, didnt work, also sprayed, had to break molds!
In my individual plastic moulds I brush them with a paintbrush that I got from the hardware for $1, with mineral oil, or baby oil.
This oil doesn't saponify, so just sits between the soap and the mould.
Bear in mind that it is also hard to get smaller individual moulds to gel, so your soap might have to sit in the moulds a little longer than usual to get as hard as you are used to unmoulding. The freezer trick works too!
Hummm...... the freezer and oil trick didn't work, how is your hp? Is it really wet or highly superfatted? Plastics are oil based and oils can stick to them, possibly combined with high water can make for a sticker soap. Maybe reduce water and superfatted oils to make the soap a bit drier and less interactive with the plastic. Although your soap may already be low water and superfat....... silly billy moulds! :lol:

I have found that a water amount of 27% as a percent of the oils (eg. 1000g oil with 270g of water) makes for a much drier finished product without reducing fluidity too much (as long as it is still hot when moulded).
I had a devil of a time getting my HP soap out of all the cute little molds that I bought. I finally resorted to vaseline & a q-tip to get in all the little details. Haven't had a problem getting them out since then. :D

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