Oh for goodness sakes it's just soap! (Now with pic)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2008
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When I started soaping, I always told myself that when it stopped being fun it was time to stop.

I had a burst of energy today and said to myself let's make a black base, white top, 10 color swirl :shock:

WTF was I thinking. Now 2 hours later my kitchen is destroyed, DH tried to help, but ended up going into town for lunch.

The black base turned out fine, poured at a thick trace, white top set on top of black just great, started pouring the colors real low so that they would stay on top and that is when the gremlins showed up in full force.

Most of the colors sunk, did get some to stay on top, but lost the white top due to the colors sinking. And that is when DH has to come in and ask what's for lunch?
That's when he tried to help with the colors and kept asking "shouldn't the colors be more on top?"

Well, I did get some colors to come through, but did I have fun? HELL NO!

Now that I have vented for the forum and blood pressure is some what back to normal I think to myself "Oh for goodness sakes it's just soap!

Now I can have a glass or two of wine.
Crap still have to clean up that mess.

After the wine not bad.


:lol: :eek: :lol:
=( i am sorry your colors didn't work out the way you wanted. hopefully the insides will end up being even more amazing than you intended. post some cut pics and enjoy your wine!!
I have not been adventurous with colors yet, so I can only say from reading other's posts that sometimes, if you step back, the soap you end up with is just as lovely or better than you were trying for. I hope it turns out that way for you! (hugs) I have those days too. Wine is good (well for me it'd be vodka and OJ LOL)!
Re: Oh for goodness sakes it's just soap!

Martin said:
Now I can have a glass or two of wine.
Crap still have to clean up that mess.

You sound exactly like me! Except this happens every single time I try something new!
The kitchen is buried under spilled soap, mica, fo, (I spill everything in sight, you'd think I did it on purpose), it takes an hour to clean up. It's just exhausting.
You should take yourself out for a date tonight, maybe a massage, having fun can be so tiring. LOL!

Oh can we please see pics when it is cut! :D
Oh my gosh...but it looks fantastic! I can see all those colors and they look great. Grat combination too. I am sorry you did not have fun, but doing 10 color swirls is kind of hard, the fun part comes after you are done. I think you did great.
I agree with the others. It may not have turned out like you planned, but it's a beauty. I'd be proud of it.
Thanks so much for the replies. I will cut it I hope tomorrow nite.
I was wanting a black base with a white layer with the swirls, I think I lost the white layer, since when I poured the colors they went deep.

Oh who knows what it will turn out to look like, "It's just soap for goodness sakes." :lol:
Wow! I think it looks great! Sorry, it didn't go as planned...but, I think it will turn out to be a beautiful bars of soap!!! :)
I think it's beautiful! The five colour swirl I tried was a PITA as well, and my TD didn't mix completely, etc, but the final product looks so cool in my bathroom! I can't wait to see cut pics!
I think it's gorgeous! And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a HUGE mess after a soaping fit.