Traceyann said:
...a U e lol.......for everyone a U e is a u-turn lol
Around here we call it hooking a U-e, some people would also say banging a U-e. Funny, it's not something I've ever written out and so never considered how it would be spelled.
No worries seems to have been picked up by the "new hippies". I know a few people who say it constantly.
Stubbie isn't used for anything here as far as I'm aware, (unless, we would be making fun of a man's,
a'hem size)
Some of the pronunciation tendencies are similar to southeastern English. I grew up in the south, a town over from Shelbyville. It took me forever to learn to say it the "correct" way which is Sheville. Soft E, no L no B no Y. WTF??!! My fave southern pronunciation is rurnt.
This is fun. Ok- whatsa a Bond's chesty and an anzac cookie??
hey, you started it