1. dibbles - Oooh, love this idea!
2. toxikon - Some of my favourite artists are from the 20s, this will be a blast!
3. jewels621 - such an interesting idea!
4. Kittish - This should be interesting. I don't know much about the 20s. Google to the rescue!
5. Primrose - I'm in. This is a whole lot harder than last month but I am a sucker for 20's fashion
6. CaraBou - Great. I was gonna take the month off!
7. Jules92207 - You’re killing me smalls, so many ideas!
8. BattleGnome - crossing my fingers that I’ll have the time this month
9. SaltedFig - Copacetic!
10. SoapAddict415-The last 1 was so much fun, count me in again!
11. Cerelife - Interesting...I'm in!
12. Traumabrew - people are already taking my ideas...art deco and Dali
13. Sunrise Arts - At least I would get to vote!
14. Artemis - might as well use up the last of the lye
15. Mommycarlson - I've got an idea
16. Mintle - so many ideas, not enough skills!