No More Fighting CO Out of the Jar!

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Aug 1, 2013
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I was fighting the last bits of CO out of a jar, and just had it with bits flying all over and knowing more was going to be left in the jar. I popped it into the microwave for a minute and conveniently poured the remainder neatly into the bucket on the scale. I though hmmm...about that new I put it in there for 2 minutes and poured my oil right into that bucket with no muss and no fuss.

Why, oh why have I never thought about this before???
Thanks for the tip, Susie!

I found out quite by accident that lard comes out of its bucket MUCH easier if I use a little metal spatula to remove it like taking a brownie out of the pan. Much nicer than a spoon or scoop, which is what I'd been using. I just grabbed the spatula out of total frustration one day -- the only thing that was close to hand. Twas a very happy accident!
Oh! Love this tip!!! I had a heck of a time last night with the lard and the coconut oil because little pieces were flying out as I tried to get it out of it's container.
I use a SS ice cream scooper. I tried cutting it, every type spoon I had and finally "borrowed" my husband's scoop. :roll:
I don't know what brand you are using, but I thought of the microwave trick with the Luanna brand from walmart.... darn jar almost caught fire! LOL!
I often put the jars in a Pyrex or bowl of water to heat it more evenly, poor soap makers double boiler :p
LOL Susie. I have been doing that too for ten months before I thought to put it in the microwave. I get LouAnn CO and the mouth is so small! I would even put the jar in water on low heat on the stove. The microwave right above it just staring at me!! lol
Here in the UK CO is sold in bottles - glass bottles with a narrow neck, like old fashioned Coca Cola bottles and they have a metal ring on them, that is impossible to remove - I have no idea who thought about selling coconut oil (and Palm oil) like this in a country where the weather is too cold for CO to go liquid 12 months of the year....

I use CO for cooking as much as I use it for soaping and every time I look at the CO bottle I shake my head in disbelief....
I tried that with a jar of louana once and my microwave lit up like the fourth of July lol. Apparently I didn't get all of the metal seal off of the mouth of the jar.
Yeah it is just as easy to pop it in a crock pot with some water in it as a double boiler. I do not have a microwave in my basement, and I climb those stairs enough as is so I just use that. And it was how I got my CO and PO out of the stupid 1 gallon jug I got from Soaper's Choice that would not fit in my microwave anyway. It is now in 1 qt paint buckets with lids.

No need to worry about exploding microwaves!
Here in the UK CO is sold in bottles - glass bottles with a narrow neck, like old fashioned Coca Cola bottles and they have a metal ring on them, that is impossible to remove - I have no idea who thought about selling coconut oil (and Palm oil) like this in a country where the weather is too cold for CO to go liquid 12 months of the year....

I use CO for cooking as much as I use it for soaping and every time I look at the CO bottle I shake my head in disbelief....

How bizarre! Can you post a pic? Is it weird that I want one of these bottles?