Savage Daughter
Formerly known as Quasi Quadrant
Hello to everyone,
Thought it might be a good idea to join this forum as I'm about to jump back into soapmaking - boxes of supplies being delivered daily now - which I got into in the mid-90s before I took a left turn & ended up doing corporate IT work. I loved soapmaking, lived, ate & breathed it, but things got more than interesting, and bumpy, along that road
In addition to my corporate IT job which has been ongoing full-time for approximately 20 years now, I make herbal tinctures, salves, creams etc from medicinal plants I wild forage & purchase, mostly custom made for those who suffer from various ailments which they have been led to believe are 'incurable'. Psoriasis, eczema, chronic pain related to various conditions are some of the areas I focus on as these are the things which most people ask for my assistance with.
I also occasionally teach wild foraging workshops in my area, which encompass edible & medicinal plants, lichens, trees, mushrooms, do card readings for those who ask, grow gardens of greens & tend my own outdoor edible mushroom beds. At the moment, I am turning my spare bedroom into my soapmaking & curing room, which is easier said than done LOL as I already know what I need from previous experience, which is complicating things a bit.
This time around, I will be incorporating my love for healing plants, plant extracts & essential oils into my soaps, salves, toothpastes etc in one form or another - as purpose-chosen ingredients or as natural colorants. This was what resonated with me most strongly from the time I first began making soaps & other products, my motivation being my then-young children & the toxins I was concerned with which seemed to be listed on nearly every product label I read. Super excited to see other soapmakers incorporating various herbs, plants, roots etc in their soaps in recent years, and the beautiful results. This is incredibly inspiring
I am fortunate to have worked for myself my entire life in one form or another (I am an independent contractor for hire, finding some longterm contracts along the way), which allows me to live in the bush in peace & quiet with my raccoon kids, the deer, squirrels & wolverines surrounding my home, and the whales in the ocean 3 minutes from my doorstep. Having a satellite internet connection helps a great deal in living out here, especially when I need to go shopping for supplies
Hoping to get back into this on a level which will be sufficiently self-sustaining, enabling me to do less IT work. I love working at what feels like play to me, and which gives me a great deal of joy, which soapmaking definitely is.
Nice to meet you all. I look forward to reading a lot of posts in these forums when I'm not scrabbling through the bush or working on computer-website-online-marketing-social-media-management related stuff
Thought it might be a good idea to join this forum as I'm about to jump back into soapmaking - boxes of supplies being delivered daily now - which I got into in the mid-90s before I took a left turn & ended up doing corporate IT work. I loved soapmaking, lived, ate & breathed it, but things got more than interesting, and bumpy, along that road
In addition to my corporate IT job which has been ongoing full-time for approximately 20 years now, I make herbal tinctures, salves, creams etc from medicinal plants I wild forage & purchase, mostly custom made for those who suffer from various ailments which they have been led to believe are 'incurable'. Psoriasis, eczema, chronic pain related to various conditions are some of the areas I focus on as these are the things which most people ask for my assistance with.
I also occasionally teach wild foraging workshops in my area, which encompass edible & medicinal plants, lichens, trees, mushrooms, do card readings for those who ask, grow gardens of greens & tend my own outdoor edible mushroom beds. At the moment, I am turning my spare bedroom into my soapmaking & curing room, which is easier said than done LOL as I already know what I need from previous experience, which is complicating things a bit.
This time around, I will be incorporating my love for healing plants, plant extracts & essential oils into my soaps, salves, toothpastes etc in one form or another - as purpose-chosen ingredients or as natural colorants. This was what resonated with me most strongly from the time I first began making soaps & other products, my motivation being my then-young children & the toxins I was concerned with which seemed to be listed on nearly every product label I read. Super excited to see other soapmakers incorporating various herbs, plants, roots etc in their soaps in recent years, and the beautiful results. This is incredibly inspiring
I am fortunate to have worked for myself my entire life in one form or another (I am an independent contractor for hire, finding some longterm contracts along the way), which allows me to live in the bush in peace & quiet with my raccoon kids, the deer, squirrels & wolverines surrounding my home, and the whales in the ocean 3 minutes from my doorstep. Having a satellite internet connection helps a great deal in living out here, especially when I need to go shopping for supplies
Nice to meet you all. I look forward to reading a lot of posts in these forums when I'm not scrabbling through the bush or working on computer-website-online-marketing-social-media-management related stuff