Newbe with lots of questions

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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
South West Florida
I'm looking to purchase supplies to start making CP soaps. Any ideas on where to buy lye local or internet? Should I order liquid dyes or powders? also any ideas on fragrance oils I should get or a sample pack? I read the book The Handmade Soap Book by Melinda Coss. Should I pick out 5 recipes then order supplies for just the five or are there supplies I need regardless of what kind I make. Also goat milk is hard to get here in Florida can you get it over the internet? Oh one more question where can I get palm oil and coconut oil. Told you lots of questions :D


hi there, and welcome to the forum. it has been my experience to start small and let the obsession kinda carry you along. what you may do today may take you in a totally different direction 6 months from now. let me suggest these thoughts...soapmaker man has a walmart soap recipe with easily obtainable items. maybe read the c/p tutorials in that section. depending on the state you live in, you may or may not be able to buy red devil lye in the hardware store, or lowe's.

if not, soapmaker man sells it, i believe.

maybe order a few scents and go from there. near the top right of the forum page you can click on search to look for posts for things like pigments, scents, and just about anything you can think of. read the posts on these subjects...i have learned just as much from people's failures and mistakes as i have their successes. there is a wealth of knowledge in the forum posts.

good luck to you, i hope we here more from you as you progress.
The Soap Dish, Wholesale Supplies Plus, and Soapers Choice have all the oils that you'll ever need. I think you can get powdered goats milk from From Nature with Love. I wouldn't really worry too much about fragrance oils in your first couple of batches, just get to know the process first. However, if you do want FO's that are tested in CP, Flickers Fragrances has those as does Snowdrift Farm. BTW, I also saw goats milk on Amazon. However, I wouldn't do a milk soap my first go round. If you want to do something other than water try another water based liquid like aloe juice (which you can buy at Wal Mart).
I made a simple lard, lye and water soap on the very first try. 3 lbs lard, 3 cups water, 6 1/2 oz lye.

I don't know where you are, but the only place I've been able to find lye locally is a mom and pop Ace Hardware store in a little teeny tiny town about 12 miles from here.

Start out w/small batches. You can find most everything at WalMart including the goat's milk, canned and in a carton. But I agree with beachgurl, I wouldn't try a milk soap right away. It's a little more in depth.

Invest in a digital scale, I got mine on ebay for less than $20 including shipping.

Happy soaping!!