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Aug 31, 2010
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Hello! I am a new soapmaker and this is also my first time joining a forum of any kind. I just completed my 2nd batch of CPOP soap. Both recipes were olive oil/palm kernal oil/coconut oil and castor oil. The first batch was rosemary mint and this last batch was grapefruit jasmine. I used a silicone loaf mold and put them in a 170 degree oven for one hour. I let the soap sit overnight and unmolded the next day. Both batches were covered with a light skin of very tiny bubbles. It made the soap feel a little gritty. when I cut the soap, the inside was smooth and hard. Does this always happen with CPOP? Is there a way to stop this rough "skin" from forming during CPOP? Is there a way to remove it without shaving the skin from the soap? Polishing cloth? Thanks!
maybe post a pic so we can see what you are talking about? possibly ash? you can try spraying your soaps with alcohol a few times when you have molded them if that is it...
Did you use a stick blender? Some of them introduce bubbles into your soap. When you cook it, they come to the surface.
Soap pic

Great idea! Here is a photo of the rosemary mint. I am a little confused about the upload process, so I hope this works.
Do you mean spritz alcohol on it after unmolding? I have done this to polish M&P, you can do this for CP as well?
Actually, I just did the preview and am clueless about how to upload my pic. I know that this is not rocket science, I do it for other things. Any tips or tricks re: pic upload process?
Yes, I did use a stick blender! Would it be better to stir by hand? I love the look and feel of CP soap, but am WAY to impatient to wait 4-6 weeks to use it. I have never hand stirred CP soap, does it take a long time? I guess I am willing to take a bit more time making the soap rather than waiting to use it! :wink:
koisan said:
Yes, I did use a stick blender! Would it be better to stir by hand? I love the look and feel of CP soap, but am WAY to impatient to wait 4-6 weeks to use it. I have never hand stirred CP soap, does it take a long time? I guess I am willing to take a bit more time making the soap rather than waiting to use it! :wink:
Depending on your recipe, stirring by hand would take forever...
Take a look at your stick blender. If it has an enclosed "bell" on the bottom of the shaft, try burping it to get air trapped underneath it. Or use the stick blender til you reach a light trace, then blend the rest of the way with a silicone or a stainless steel spoon or a spatula.
Thanks! I will give this a try. Hopefully, I can figure out how to post a pic soon!
I just did my first CPOP soap and got the same wierd skin of bubbles. I am sure it is just a cosmetic issue, but is there any way to clean up the soap so its not so wierd looking?
Lazy Bone said:
I just did my first CPOP soap and got the same wierd skin of bubbles. I am sure it is just a cosmetic issue, but is there any way to clean up the soap so its not so wierd looking?
You could try to bevel it or use a vegetable peeler.
I made bastile soap CPOP and it happened but I did not think anything of just cosmetic. My soap is white so its not noticeable at all. I left it as is.
I'm glad to see this thread, because my first CPOP has been in the oven for 1.5 hours and I have the same bubbles. I made a 5-lb batch, put half in the oven in individual silicon molds for CPOP, and the other half in a loaf mold for a standard gel. The loaf mold is beautiful, white, and right in the middle of the gel phase. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one... I figure if everything else goes well I'll just scratch the bubbles off.

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