Yeah that was my take-away...whatever triggered it (and I agree that saying the *smell* is medicinal isn't claiming your product is a drug!), *IT* ended up being a big hairy deal. And that doesn't even count the civil claims that someone could (in theory) bring against an entrepreneur (which could then trigger FDA inspections, or the civil case could be bolstered by the results of an FDA inspection); the US is a pretty litigious society.BUT...when you go on to read the story, there were issues with her overall manufacturing "facility", storage, and processes. I think just about every soap maker starts out in their kitchen and while they are probably taking the same care and concern in making soap as they make supper for their family, the requirements for making a consumable products are much, much higher.
Any time I think about selling, I remember allllllll of this, and suggest that my "customers" make a donation to the charity of their choice