New Soaper, Old DIYer... Hello!

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Sep 11, 2015
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I've been lurking for some time, finally bit the bullet and made my first soap. Went without a hitch, thanks to all the good info here on the forums, and some great links to the YouTubes.

I'm generally a DIYer and tend towards home improvement projects rather than the day-to-day projects like soap, although the wife and I have 4 kids and are starting look for more ways to save $$ with undertakings like this. We've made powdered laundry soap, and saw the benefits, and became interested in soap bar making when we were researching the bars to include with the laundry.

I'd say I'm interested in quality soap from the practical standpoint, but I must say, I'm very impressed with all the beautiful creations in the photo forum and under the monthly contest threads.

Anyways, glad to be here, hopefully I'll have something constructive to add to the community at some point. Thanks!
I'd say I'm interested in quality soap from the practical standpoint, but I must say, I'm very impressed with all the beautiful creations in the photo forum and under the monthly contest threads.

Welcome to the madness... eh, forum!:mrgreen:
The best part about soap is that it can be both practical AND beautifull, without taking anything away from the soap properties.

PS! If you suddenly feel you start to noticing things around you that possibly could double as a soap-mold of some sort, don`t worry, this is normal and something all soapers go through at one time or another. There is no cure for this, so just be calm and eventually it will pass!

(sorry, that last thing was actually a lie. I have been doing soaprelated things since 1999/2000, I still see soap-molds in everything. But perhaps you are stronger than me. Actually I think everyone is stronger than me in this regard...:think:. )
Welcome JPicasso! :wave:

MySoapyHeart said:
PS! If you suddenly feel you start to noticing things around you that possibly could double as a soap-mold of some sort, don`t worry, this is normal and something all soapers go through at one time or another. There is no cure for this, so just be calm and eventually it will pass!

(sorry, that last thing was actually a lie.....)

IrishLass :)
So ya, most of my DIY experience is with Home improvement projects around the house. Painting, basic carpentry, tile and hardwood floors, I tend to stay indoors with my shennanigans, as outdoor projects are not my thing. I'm also a homebrewer and have made plenty of beer, which is another hobby that one can obsess over.

Initially, I thought I'd be "cool" with soaps, and just make some basic, get me clean soap, but already my wife was confused as to why my first batch didn't contain some sweet-smelling lavender or vanilla. :) It would seem she does not know what she's in for. Also, I really do want to try and get that fishnet design to work, but, baby steps for sure.

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