Hey and welcome!
We were all new once, so you are in good company! Lots of helpful folks here, some have more time than others to help, so if your question takes a bit to get answered, please be patient with us.
There are loads of awesome information in the Beginner Forum (start with the stickies!) that will save you lots of mistakes. I would suggest that you read at least 5 pages of threads. Some say 10, but 5 are enough to get started on, IMHO. Read also 5 pages of threads in the Lye Based Forum.
I agree with Shari's assessment of how long it will take before you have a good consistent set of recipes to start considering selling when talking about soap. However, there are products that don't take nearly so long to perfect. Bath bombs are a really hot trend right now, and your child would love to help you test the recipes/methods at home. You can also buy lotion base that already has preservatives and such in it, add some fragrance, and then bottle. Lip balms are super easy to make and you could sell those immediately. Candles are another idea. Melt and pour soap is something you could melt, add color and scent, wrap and sell. So, there are a lot of products that you could get to market quickly while working on developing yourself as a soapmaker.