I have the best luck some times.
Neither batch turned out like I wanted (funky partial gel, red is pink/rose/mauve, greens aren't dark enough, and forgot the scent on the Cedar so I lost the swirl).
Anyway, same recipe with 60% OO plus CO, castor and cocoa butter.
Left is Peak Hollyberry & Ivy (kids like it, I don't), right is Peak Cedar (we all love it).
Neither batch turned out like I wanted (funky partial gel, red is pink/rose/mauve, greens aren't dark enough, and forgot the scent on the Cedar so I lost the swirl).
Anyway, same recipe with 60% OO plus CO, castor and cocoa butter.
Left is Peak Hollyberry & Ivy (kids like it, I don't), right is Peak Cedar (we all love it).