Nervous about scents...

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Active Member
Jun 30, 2008
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Alright, so its time I start making SCENTED soap. LOL! I have a bunch of batches under my belt but have yet to actually use EO, FO or extract. How much should I use ppo? I have honestly not had a problem with seizing or super quick trace yet so I am wondering how I can tackle those problems. Also how do I know which FO's are cp soap safe...meaning that they wont just dissipate? Lastly, any tips for me? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
It seems like most people use between .5 and .8 oz FO ppo. As for seizing/acceleration, that's trial and error.

I'm a soapy newbie so that's about all I'm sure about for now!
Hi Lexie!

Like kwahlne said, between .5 oz. and .8 oz. F/O ppo is pretty much standard. I use .7 oz. ppo for most fragrances myself. If the F/O is really weak or faint, I'll go as high as 1 oz ppo and no more than that, but that's very rare.

A really good site to check out before buying any F/Os or E/Os is this site:

It's the best place to go to read reviews of fragrance vendors, F/Os or E/Os, and how the scents perform in soaps and other bath & body applications. I always read over there first before I decide to make a F/O purchase anywhere. It's not an exhaustive or complete list that they have, mind you, but it's huge nevertheless, and it's the biggest and best one out there that I know of.

Most, if not all, reputable fragrance vendors mention which fragrances are soap and body safe and which ones are not. Some even mention whether they seize or not in their scent descriptions. Daystar and Scent Works are known to do that (two of my favorite fragrance vendors). HTH! :)

I always use 1 ounce PP. Even then it never seems strong enough for me. I've even had a few customers request that I make the scents stronger - so who knows.
Same here, I always use 1oz FO ppo. :) I like my soaps strong... I have yet to use EO in CP... :oops:
Thank you so much everyone for your advice and imput. I will just have to do some experimenting with the amounts to see what I like.

IrishLass- Thank you for that site. I havent looked at it yet but I am sure there is TONS of info to help me. I appreciate the link.

As soon as I finish some of the smelly goodness I will post and show pics! I am SOOO excited!

Thanks again!
IrishLass said:
A really good site to check out before buying any F/Os or E/Os is this site:

Most, if not all, reputable fragrance vendors mention which fragrances are soap and body safe and which ones are not. Some even mention whether they seize or not in their scent descriptions. Daystar and Scent Works are known to do that (two of my favorite fragrance vendors). HTH! :)


I always check this site, too. :D Which reminds me I need to post some of my results there. :oops:

Bitter Creek ( and a few other vendors also have a board with testing results on their fragrances. Most will tell you the ingredients of the soap it was tested in as it can play a role.

I have had funky results with some FO's and different colorants. Sometimes it comes down to experimenting what works best for your recipe.

Now, go get some smell goods and get to it. :lol: My house always smells wonderful on soaping days.

Digit- I am ITCHING to soap today. I always have to soap at night though because I have a toddler (who is napping now but doesnt stay down for long :lol: ). Also, I have no one nearby that sells EO's or FO's for soaping. So I have to order online. Sigh! Waiting for the mail is SO hard to do! :lol:
Lexi said:
Sigh! Waiting for the mail is SO hard to do! :lol:

I soooo understand. I can "feel" the UPS, FedEx and mailman a mile away. I think the UPS guy drives by sometimes just to tease me. Probably laughs watching me run after the truck in the rear view mirror. :lol:

Lane said:
I actually know the USPS and FEDEX guys by name :oops:

:lol: :lol: One guy does not even ring the bell. He tries to drop the box and slip away. I think not!! I pop out the door and yell "Thank You" and wave as he drives away.

The mailman told DH once, that he loves to bring me packages because it seems to make my day. I adore my mailman. :lol:

My mailman honestly gets annoyed with me most times. We live in a rural area and if he has a package for me then he has to drive up to my house and get out of his car. LOL! He hates that. I always smile and thank him though. I want him to stay on my good side!!! :lol:
lollil said:
I also use 1oz. ppo. Always seem to be enough fragrance for my customers.

Same here. I buy my scents from saveonscents, and I follow their usage guidelines. Usually turns out strong, but I like strong scents.
digit said:
Lane said:
I actually know the USPS and FEDEX guys by name :oops:

:lol: :lol: One guy does not even ring the bell. He tries to drop the box and slip away. I think not!! I pop out the door and yell "Thank You" and wave as he drives away.

The mailman told DH once, that he loves to bring me packages because it seems to make my day. I adore my mailman. :lol:

My husband always teases me that I talk to much to the mail guys... I tell him because I am nice they bring me my stuff first!
:D I have no patience and haaaaaate waiting for packages. My son has a crush on the Saturday FedEx driver, she's the only lady mail person we have, but when she comes on Saturday she will stand there and talk to my 3yr old for at least five minutes!
Depends on the scent. I most oftn use .7 oz ppo. Several of the suppliers of EO's & FO's have useage recommendations listed. They also will often list any peculiarities with the scent like it accelerates trace or discolors, etc.
digit said:
Lexi said:
Sigh! Waiting for the mail is SO hard to do! :lol:

I soooo understand. I can "feel" the UPS, FedEx and mailman a mile away. I think the UPS guy drives by sometimes just to tease me. Probably laughs watching me run after the truck in the rear view mirror. :lol:

LMAO!! So funny because it's not far from the truth.

Have you guys ever given the delivery guy soap for a tip? :lol:
Sholdy said:
Have you guys ever given the delivery guy soap for a tip? :lol: :oops: But, now that you bring it up, I just may start having one ready to go. Except the one that drops and runs, not going to chase him down the road when my package is on the porch calling out to me to bring it in out of the sun. :lol:

[/quote]Have you guys ever given the delivery guy soap for a tip? :lol:[/quote]

I have not tipped the delivery man but I have tipped the babysitter (after cash) with soap and the lady who comes and helps me clean my house-- I tip her with soap too. Oh and the lady who house sat for us too I tipped with a bag of soap.

All of which said they would be glad to do more things for me since they got soap!!!

Great barganing tool

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