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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2008
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Hello everyone,

A local store has asked me to come in and do a workshop. I have also been asked by another group as well. They will cover the cost of all materials etc...Both are themed for Mother's Day.
I want to do both, as they do bring attention to my products--which I do sell in the local store.

However...I don't want to make something that I currently make and give away my secrets!

Does anyone have any suggestions of something "different" that I could do for these workshops? I need to use up about 1-2 hours. I thought I will talk about essential oils and their uses...and give out handouts.

The products I currently make/sell are: body scrub, body and hand salve, lip balms, bath salts, bath bombs, shower gels, bubble bath, MP soap, liquid soap, body oils, refresher sprays. I don't know what is left!!

Alternatively I thought I could do the bath salts...with a twist...

Thanks for any and all suggestions!

First off, CONGRATS!!!

I wouldn't worry about giving away your secrets... One of the things I learned from doing B&B is that the more you teach others and help others learn about this "stuff", It really won't take away from what you do. It is YOUR personal touch and customer service (and no doubt fantastic products!) that sell. Honestly, even with an exact recipe, none of us can be 100% duplicated. point...If you try something new, you might not know the process 100% like you do when you say make your scrubs. If you are going to demo a process you know by heart, it will really show that you are comfortable and secure in your methods.

I would demo MP. It is something you could do at the beginning and while it hardens you could go over different oils and such and then at the end, they have something to take home!
I think you are right about giving something (secrets) away, probably won't make much of a difference in the grand scheme.

I won't just be demo-ing will be like a workshop and they will make their own. It would be difficult to do melt and pour with say 15 people who will need burners to melt the soap right?
Bath Teas are fun & easy to do at deomo & they can make their own. You can have an assortment of herbs, oatmeal, instant tea, powdered milk, etc. Let them fill their little tea bags & iron them & they will love it plus you can do your speal on herbs & eos.
You also have to realize that with the internet, very little is truly "secret" anymore. You can find recipes for just about anything.... and its near impossible to perfectly duplicate someone elses recipe. You and I could both make bath bombs from the exact same recipe and they still would not come out exactly the same.... :wink:
I agree the bath tea idea is an awesome idea, and letting them take home a project as well is pretty cool. Now just to work on crowd control issues.

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