I don't do much decorative soap in layered colors... it just isn't the type of thing I sell often... but my nephew is graduating next month and I promised my sister graduation hat soaps. I got the cutest wilton cupcake mold that is silicone and will work perfectly. I had originally planned on just doing them in one color... but I think it would look better if the tassle on the cap is black... and the hats are red or blue. I didn't think it would be so hard to fill the tassle without it spilling onto the rest of the hat! The tassle part and the part that attatches to the actual hat are easy... but the thin string that holds them together is just SOOO small and thin that I mess it up every time. I've been messing around with my "junk" soap but I can't figure out an easier way. Does anyone have any tricks I can try?