I bought several bottles of essential oils from NDA a while back. While searching their site for something recently, I read that they recommend transferring the essential oils and Fragrance oils into glass bottles instead of leaving them in the metal bottles. Does anyone do this. For those that haven’t, did the oils do OK in the metal bottles? Something else to worry about!
I always transfer mine into glass bottles from other essential oils which I've used up, or other empty glass containers which I have on hand.
My thoughts on this are: most companies don't mention anything about potential toxins leaching into raw materials from these metal bottles, or from plastic containers either, which I very strongly feel they should. NDA does, and I don't believe they would be wasting their time on this if it wasn't an issue they were concerned about. They do, after all, handle very large amounts of essential oils in their line of business, and I am sure have seen / experienced at least *something* in their line of work which has prompted them to state this to their customers.
Metals & plastics do degrade, as we already know, whereas glassware can last for centuries. Ever seen an old car which has been subjected to nothing but snow, sun & rain completely rot away? Or plastics breaking down in the environment?
Essential oils are very strong solvents which break many materials down in a short amount of time, especially plastics. Those metal bottles are lined with plastics which are not free of toxins, much like canned food cans, and which break down & contaminate whatever product is in the bottle. We breathe the scent of essential oils in, which mean their molecules get into our lungs, and then into our bloodstream, carrying any toxins with them throughout our bodies.
I don't want toxins leaching into my essential oils, liquid oils & so on. So I do my best to transfer everything possible to glass.