My trace speeds up WAY too fast!

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Active Member
Sep 26, 2012
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Hello gangeroos (soaperoos?),

I've made two batches of soap thus far. My first was unscented and my second was scented.

Both times I noticed I baaaarely had to stickblend the 'batter' for longer then, I don't know, 20 seconds before it reached 'trace' and once I started to add my colorants and/or EO's it started to get thick. And when I say 20-seconds I really mean that I maybe blended for 8-10 seconds straight and then pulsed it a few times.

I don't understand! :cry: I see all of these videos/pictures of soapmakers pouring their batter into cups, adding colorant, waiting a bit, preparing everything and taking their sweet time creating a lovely design and the soap batter is STILL super liquidy.

Note: I wait for both my oil mixture and lye solution to reach 95*F before I mix them together. I thought this was a perfect temperature? Also note: my batch was identical in both soaps I made but they contain all vegetarian oils/butters.

HELPPPP! I want to be able to have a thin trace so I can try to swirl but it just didn't happen either time. Waaaa!
I use olive pomace and it traces quite quick, if you want to do swirls try using EVOO, that should give you time.

Have read of this thread it might help - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=33344 The search engine comes up with a lot of questions already answered.
I did use Olive Pomace!

The recipe is:

5.5oz olive pomace
5.5oz coconut oil 76
6.6oz shea butter
2.2oz castor oil
2.2oz almond oil

So I suppose it could be the pomace...I wonder, could it also be that I'm not using distilled water? Both times I didn't have distilled water but I was so anxious to make it so I just used Brita filtered water hoping it would at least be better than tap.

I will read that link above but if anyone else has any ideas as to why that would be great...

I'm going to say that the olive pomace could be a likely culprit combined with your high percentage of shea butter. High percentages of butter will speed up trace as well.
Hmmm... I'm going to try this again tonight and keep everyone posted.
I'll use EVOO instead and reduce my shea- maybe add more EVOO and almond oil?
I must admit, though it's disappointing that my trace sped up too quickly, I sort of enjoy this trial-and-error aspect of soapmaking. :D
I use about 50-60% liquid oils, and my trace is reached fairly quickly. I can see why yours does with so high a percentage of hard oils/butters. Rather than reaching trace, try just emulsifying the oils/lye water so it's still very "watery" before you separate the batter to color it. You have to ensure it incorporates fully, you don't want to deal with false trace. I've had good luck doing this :)

Good luck!
I tried a new batch all together!

I used 45% EVOO, 30% vegetable shortening, 20% coconut oil and 5% castor oil.

Low and behold I actually got to stickblend the batter for over a minute!

Thanks for all of the tips! :D
If you want to use your original recipe you could also toss the stick blender and use a whisk. I made soap with 70% hard oils and using only a whisk it reached thick trace in 6 mins. The stick blenders are best for soaps with a lot of liquid oils that woukd take hours to reach trace with handstirring. Hard oils are much easier to get to trace and don't need it. I purposely tossed the stick blender to give myself a more relaxing and less frantic soaping experience. 8)
Pomace and palm are cheap and easy; They make soap that's fast and freaky; but when you want to slow it down; Lard and olive come to town. Canola and soy have a way; of browning up your whole damned day; peanut and castor soap like rubber; at least it's not illegal flubber; beeswax will reduce your ash, but not before you burn your; ask me why I've made this rhyme up, the answer will brew the bubbles in soap up; whisks and sticks, spatulas, and spoons, I hope you have a great afternoon.
Seven8soap- I love your rhyme :), but just so you know- the OP has not visited the forum in 3 years, so she sadly won't be able to enjoy it also.

I don't know if you have had the chance to read the SMF guidelines in regards to the potential bugaboo of posting on threads that have been long silent, but here is a link to it just in case:

IrishLass :)