My second CP batch attempt

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Feb 8, 2022
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After getting an amazing recommendation to check Lovely Greens • Natural Soapmaking & Organic Gardening site (which I obviously did 😊) I decided to try her soap recipes.
I couldn't decide which one to make so I used two recipes. In one loaf. The soap is imagined as two layered soap, as I didn't do that before either and wanted to try it out.
I did change both recipes a bit.
So bottom layer is cammomile soap (I used cammomile tea to make lye solution) colored with activated charcoal.
Top layer is pumpkin soap, made with pumpkin puree. I mixed some chia seeds in, after getting the trace. Scented with cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg EOs (I used the amount suggested on the site). Decorated with camomile flowers and pumpkin seeds.
The recipes are quite the same in oils and lye so I thought it would be ok to use them together. I hope that is ok. The bottom layer did get a bit thicker than I wanted but looked soft enough while I was pouring the top layer.
I also insulated the soaps. So.. Fingers crossed. 😁


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They look very nice; well done! Charcoal does tend to thicken the batter somewhat, as you noted. The EOs you used can also accelerate soap batter, and can be skin sensitizing. Since many bloggers don't realize that many EOs can irritate the skin, it's a good idea to run every EO blend through to make sure that the recommended amounts are skin-safe.

I am a little concerned that you "changed both recipes a bit." Hopefully you ran the recipe and your changes through a soap calculator; you should do that for all recipes, since typos can and do happen. And when you change any of the oils (or include acidic ingredients) the lye amount usually changes, too.
They look very nice; well done! Charcoal does tend to thicken the batter somewhat, as you noted. The EOs you used can also accelerate soap batter, and can be skin sensitizing. Since many bloggers don't realize that many EOs can irritate the skin, it's a good idea to run every EO blend through to make sure that the recommended amounts are skin-safe.

I am a little concerned that you "changed both recipes a bit." Hopefully you ran the recipe and your changes through a soap calculator; you should do that for all recipes, since typos can and do happen. And when you change any of the oils (or include acidic ingredients) the lye amount usually changes, too.
Oh I did ran them thru soapcalc of course. I didn't change the oils just added extra of charcoal and poppy. The rest is preety much the same as original recipies. The site gives good information about those EOs. That is why I decided to use them. I did read before how they could irritate sensitive skin so I used the low amounts instructed on the site.
Just checked it to see if soda ash formed. All looks good for now. Looks super super slightly risen in the middle, like half cm. I guess that is because sugary pumpkin was used. But I did mix at low temp, like 38 Celsius. I hope all will be good when I cut it.


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They look very nice; well done! Charcoal does tend to thicken the batter somewhat, as you noted. The EOs you used can also accelerate soap batter, and can be skin sensitizing. Since many bloggers don't realize that many EOs can irritate the skin, it's a good idea to run every EO blend through to make sure that the recommended amounts are skin-safe.

I am a little concerned that you "changed both recipes a bit." Hopefully you ran the recipe and your changes through a soap calculator; you should do that for all recipes, since typos can and do happen. And when you change any of the oils (or include acidic ingredients) the lye amount usually changes, too.
Thank you for this. I didn't know but don't fragrance oils irritate? I have used only EO because of their purity. I'm willing to change my perception if I understand why its ok to use fragrance oils in natural soaps? I am still not using even micas. But Id like to. Puritan 🤷
Thank you for this. I didn't know but don't fragrance oils irritate? I have used only EO because of their purity. I'm willing to change my perception if I understand why its ok to use fragrance oils in natural soaps? I am still not using even micas. But Id like to. Puritan 🤷
Some EOs can be harsh for skin as well. Actually almost every EO will irritate you if you put it directly on skin. Spice EOs can irritate skin if the amount used in soap is too high.
I don't think you should change your mind. Stay puritan ❤️
Some EOs can be harsh for skin as well. Actually almost every EO will irritate you if you put it directly on skin. Spice EOs can irritate skin if the amount used in soap is too high.
I don't think you should change your mind. Stay puritan ❤
Thank you ☺️☺️
I also didn't know about the spice EO vs others. I have started trying to get the fragrances from the actual ground spices and infused oils. The scent is so gentle and.natural like my coriander and nutmeg ground spice soap. Its wonderful and NO essential oil. The orange powder too. Thank you for the information. Actually I was studying aromatherapy before aromatherapy came to Toronto (they didnt know what it was in the health store in 1996 when I asked for it) so I knew not to apply it to the skin directly but soap is a whole new direction for me and I begin with the 'I dont know anything' until I KNOW. Attitude.
Thank you ☺☺
I also didn't know about the spice EO vs others. I have started trying to get the fragrances from the actual ground spices and infused oils. The scent is so gentle and.natural like my coriander and nutmeg ground spice soap. Its wonderful and NO essential oil. The orange powder too. Thank you for the information. Actually I was studying aromatherapy before aromatherapy came to Toronto (they didnt know what it was in the health store in 1996 when I asked for it) so I knew not to apply it to the skin directly but soap is a whole new direction for me and I begin with the 'I dont know anything' until I KNOW. Attitude.
I am also new to soaps but have experience in herbal medicine and some natural cosmetics.
I am not sure how long that kind of scenting can last in soap. I hope it does!!! Would like to try it most definitely as I am also a puritan 😊. Even some EOs tend to fade in soap even after few weeks.
Thank you for this. I didn't know but don't fragrance oils irritate? I have used only EO because of their purity. I'm willing to change my perception if I understand why its ok to use fragrance oils in natural soaps? I am still not using even micas. But Id like to. Puritan 🤷
A quick search on here will yield lots of discussion -- and sometimes it gets heated -- over the terms "natural" and "organic." So just a heads up! :) Everything and everyone is made up of chemicals in various magical and wondrous combinations thanks to the work of our Creator and Mother Nature.

I think it comes down to personal preference -- you do you. I use essential oils because that's how I learned and my initial recipes listed essential oils. They are more expensive than fragrance oils -- but I am just a hobbyist so I don't care. Because of price, I understand why soap sellers use fragrance oils. Many mix eo and fo's together. I love and trust Find Free Essential Oil Blends - Essential Oil Calculator for usage rates. I won't recite my newbie horror story using cinnamon essential oil :eek: and thankfully I was the only victim. Peppermint is tricky too. And some essential oils are fine in wash-off products but are a no no in leave-on products. I have a lot of old soaps around and many retain their scent.

I also am a huge mica user, along with a few oxides. I also love working with turmeric, baking cocoa, coffee, paprika, etc.
Best wishes,
I am also new to soaps but have experience in herbal medicine and some natural cosmetics.
I am not sure how long that kind of scenting can last in soap. I hope it does!!! Would like to try it most definitely as I am also a puritan 😊. Even some EOs tend to fade in soap even after few weeks.
Nice to hear. I haven't experienced the EO fading yet and after a few weeks the spuce scent is still there as it was when made. But for sure, try it. The nutmeg was very little but wow, how it came through. The mixture of the coriander and nutmeg in (oops sorry off thread again) HP soap. The fine ground sage also comes through well and I have yet to try a larger quantity of ground frankincense but it seems not to be obvious in EO form. I'm sure it will be great in ground form. I have to try many things scent wise in CP but in HP it works well. I think I need to begin a natural color thread.

A quick search on here will yield lots of discussion -- and sometimes it gets heated -- over the terms "natural" and "organic." So just a heads up! :) Everything and everyone is made up of chemicals in various magical and wondrous combinations thanks to the work of our Creator and Mother Nature.

I think it comes down to personal preference -- you do you. I use essential oils because that's how I learned and my initial recipes listed essential oils. They are more expensive than fragrance oils -- but I am just a hobbyist so I don't care. Because of price, I understand why soap sellers use fragrance oils. Many mix eo and fo's together. I love and trust Find Free Essential Oil Blends - Essential Oil Calculator for usage rates. I won't recite my newbie horror story using cinnamon essential oil :eek: and thankfully I was the only victim. Peppermint is tricky too. And some essential oils are fine in wash-off products but are a no no in leave-on products. I have a lot of old soaps around and many retain their scent.

I also am a huge mica user, along with a few oxides. I also love working with turmeric, baking cocoa, coffee, paprika, etc.
Best wishes,
Rich information and experience. Thank you. I'd like to hear your justification concerning mica maybe I'll feel less of a cheat for using non natural colors. Its some kind of perfectionistic inner guilt thing I guess.
I cannot imagine what that cinnamon was all about but I think I have an IDEA, going by your emoticon. So sorry to hear. I have wanted to try blsck pepper but....
I do use EO in my all natural creams. No water, Pure oils and EO and either camel or sheep tallow or both but I've only heard good testimonials as feed back yet. Perhaps they just blend well with the oils? I have used neroli, mint, pineapple and so far no horror stories and the cream is quite amazing.
Turmeric - my customers love it in my soaps and I don't go easy with it either. Calendula gave me a beautiful lemon color in my 100% sheep tallow bar. But I havent tried paprika yet.
I will tell you what I DO add to my soaps though. Crystal, sometimes Bach flower remedies, homopathics and ginseng (mother tincture) energized water. Funny thing is when I ask customers - WHY MY SOAP they answer - its the energies. Because there are many more beautiful soaps available here so I wondered WHY?.
The soap was just cut. Quite happy how it turned out. I think I can see some stearic spots. Should have pay more attention while cutting, not to cut thru the seeds. Smell is really pleasant but like very mild, as I used so little of EOs.


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