My second batch

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I made my second batch of soap on Friday evening and it came out nicer than my first batch. I took everyone's advise and combined my oils and lye at room temp and OMG, it was soooo much easier! I tried my hand at swirling and although I didn't get the results I was after I think it came out pretty nice for a newbie like me. My biggest problem on this batch however was with the white ash. My loaf developed a thin layer of the ash on top but I think in the end it turned out to my advantage.

Deb (or Deda) recommended that I rub the top with alcohol to get rid of the ash (thanks Deb!) and in so doing it sort of accentuated my swirly design on top since the ash stayed in the crevices. So now it sort of looks like there are two colors on the top. Anyway, below are the pics. I scented it with black rasberry and a little coconut and it smells quite nice!

I wish my 2nd batch looked that good!!! I'm having a problem with ash on my rtcp also. It really bugs me!!!!!
OMG!!! I can't believe that's only your second batch! I've made, man, I dunno, more than a thousand bars of soap (don't know how many batches that might be), and I don't have any that look that good! Your a natural :)
Wow Sibi! Absolutely Lovely! You MUST let me try a bar of that!
Wow, thanks everyone for your positive comments!! It definitely boosts my confidence up a notch and inspires me to continue soaping and learning.

I'm sort of viewing this second batch as beginners luck because I know there is still loads to learn and more experimenting to do with other oils but I am so looking forward to continuing to learn from all of you and sharing the good, the bad and the fugly with you all. I believe that we all learn not only from our successes but our failures as well.

My limited supplies have been depleted since I bought very little (didn't know if this was going to work for me so I didn't want to spend too much ya know?). Therefore I'm going to have to order some more soaping stuff, including fragrances. In the meantime I'll keep reading, learning and asking questions so I'm fully prepared for the next batch.

Happy soaping everyone! :D
Looks fabulous! I'm sure my second batch never looked half as good as yours!