My Newest Saga

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Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southern California
Yes, I am still waiting for my house and nope I do not have mom's estate settled yet. 😭😭 I frankly have given up and told my attorney to drop the court action and just give my sister half of the third house. Of course I do not think that is going to make her happy either. She thinks the house that is left to me is more more valuable becuase of an unpermitted parking lot that the city is threating to make me tear out and they will not permit a parking lot. It is a parcel across the street. Long story, but she cannot get it through her hard skull you cannot grandfather in an unpermitted parking lot.

Anyway, my latest saga is my SIL had to have a complete hip rebuild, the one in NV that struggles daily to support his family. While he is a hard worker they just have a constant struggle with my daughter being disabled. Due to lousey insurance that that pick and chooses what they will pay and a small town that needs all money up front we have had to put out thousands of dollars for him in order to keep him out of a wheel chair the rest of his life. This also meant paying all the monthy bills including their house payments. We were thankful we have the money to help. Yep over 30k later I am still paying their bills. Now my wonderful US bank manger reported me to Protective Services and cut off my being able to wire my kids money. She demanded seeing the bills, gets in my face everytime I walk in the bank and tries to tell me this is only for my protection. My SIL's knee blew up and they thought it could be a blood clot and needed a MRI and Ultrasound ASAP, which of course required immediate payment. The bank manger blocked it and got in my face, after I threated her with a lawsuit she released the money and told me never again would she do it.

So who comes to my door yesterday? A Whittier Police office checking on me and discussing the report she filed. I am livid and already filed two complaings with US bank against her. Well now I am going to file Federal complaints against her. Oh yes, she also threatened to close my accout. This is after I explained the situation to her many times. If it is not one thing I am fighting it is another these days.

Thankfully my SIL's surgery went well and his knee issue was addressed without full knee surgery. Sadly the issue that caused his problems was from hip dysplasia from birth and it also affects my granddaughter Autumn. We will also have to address her leg issue that is twisted pretty badly.
Carolyn, I’m so sorry to hear of all that is happening. That makes zero sense to me why the bank manager feels like it is her business to watch over your finances. My guess is that it has more to do with her wanting to keep the bank balances high, since managers are rated on that.

You can’t be the only person with whom she has been meddling, so I hope your complaints are taken seriously and the bank takes appropriate action.
Carolyn, I’m so sorry to hear of all that is happening. That makes zero sense to me why the bank manager feels like it is her business to watch over your finances. My guess is that it has more to do with her wanting to keep the bank balances high, since managers are rated on that.

You can’t be the only person with whom she has been meddling, so I hope your complaints are taken seriously and the bank takes appropriate action.
I am assuming the same think, about the bank balances. She poked the wrong bear because I am not done with complaints about her. She overstepped big time.
I'm so sorry you have had to deal with this!! I'm not sure why bank managers feel they have the right to meddle with other people's lives. Do you have another bank option that you can talk to prior to opening and account about your situation? You might be best off just switching to another bank rather than continue to deal with her.

My oldest son is 22 and saves a lot of his income intending to have a large down payment for a house. A family member ended up in a nursing home a few years ago and he really wanted to buy her house. Then it went to foreclosure, so my son offered pay the past due to bring it out of foreclosure and then take over the loan. When he went to wire the past due amount, the bank manager gave him a very hard time about it. He left, consulted me, went back, she still gave him a hard time, but eventually told him it would process within 24 hours. He didn't think to ask for paperwork, he lives in a digital world. A few days later the payment hadn't been received so he went back in. She told him the fraud department flagged it. But they never contacted him? And she no longer has the hard copy of the request that he signed? He immediately withdrew $10k, walked across the street to another bank, told them what he was intending. That bank manager was more than happy to help him. Bank #1 lost a 60k account over a meddling manager.
I think that the banks are told to look out for elder abuse or changes in spending that might be related to scams but once the situation was explained that should have been the end of it.

A couple of years ago my mum had to do a large banking transaction (unusual) relating to a property transaction and the bank just quickly confirmed that she wasn't being scammed, then they quickly processed the transaction and that was it.

It sounds like that bank manager was way past overstepping.

I hope you can get your other situations sorted quickly.

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