My first show this weekend

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Well I hope all goes well this Saturday is my first craft show. On the good side there is 154 vendors and I am the only soaper. On the bad side I went to 3 shows before I found anyone selling soap. This was a small show mabye 50 vendors and there were 2 soapers. One was going to be lucky to make a sale at all, the other had a nice set up so I talked to her a bit. She said it has been a very slow year for her. Her booth looked very nice but compairing her prices to what I see others selling for she is high priced. A little nervous but only one way to find out what will happen.

Thanks for the kind words. I will have a report on how things went and have some pictures as well. I am puzzled, I live in a big town and I know from talking to a local supplier that there are other soapers around. I wonder why they are not showing up at the craft shows? I did hear that they do like the farmers markets. But still.....

You'll do well, Bruce. :D I sell soaps, lotions and other armomatherapy products at the Christmas craft shows and my soap always sells better than anything else. I was at a recent Christmas show that had no other soapers and I sold a ton of soap and only two of my calendula creams :shock: My soap is nearly always my bread and butter product. I think that in these difficult economic times that people like to buy gifts that are relatively inexpensive and make nice gifts and stocking stuffers.
The show is over. Table fee was $40 and I sold $170. Alot of lookers, alot of nice comments, but so so on the sales. It was fun and I enjoy talking to others so it was a good time. Here are some pics.
Right side table

Left side table

My company name is Homebrew Soaps. I am an avid all grain home brewer so I have combined two things I love to do. The foam hand soap and the beer shampoo bars were the best sellers. Had a lot of nice comments on the lotions but only a few sold. Thanks everyone for your support, I am having fun!

Nice pics!! Your soap sounds wonderful. I'm so glad you had fun and enjoyed the people. Meeting people and the other favourite part of a show.
Congradulations Bruce! I love to do shows and farmers markets. I get a lot of sales on my GM lotions here in the Midwest this past summer and fall. Nice pics.


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