My first made up soap recipe... Does it sound ok

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Hi iam very new to soap making and havent made much but thought i would make up my own recipe, dont know if its quite a good idea thoe lol. Iam thinking of doing the following recipe, hp in a crock pot just wanted to know if its ok :oops: . My aim is to make a nice silky mosturizing bar.

30% olive pomace oil
25% coconut oil
10% palm oil
10% lard (pig)
10% caster
10% cocoa butter
5% shea butter
water @ the defalt on soapcal @ 38

Total oils 22oz so will make 2lb of soap i think

I will do a 3% super fat/discount and add an extra 5% shea butter at the end of cook to super fat more so will have a super fat total of 8%

i also want to add 2T of goat milk powder or buttermilk powder added at the end of cook with the shea butter.

2T of sugar as ive heard this helps keep hp soap a bit more pourable? (dont know if this works)

And a bit of Tussah silk noil.

Does it sound ok? I would be grateful for any input.

Do i weigh the shea butter iam adding at the end of cook while is still in solid form, i think i do :oops: lol

I would be grateful for any input :) :? :?
That's pretty complicated, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. Did you run it through a lye calculator like soapcalc? That will tell you what the expected properties will be, as well as how much lye you need.
Hi yes i ran it through the soap calc and it says i will need 3.145oz of lye and 8.36oz water with my 3% superfat discount.

Hardness 42
Cleansing 17
Conditioning 54
Bubbly 26
Creamy 34
Iodine 54
INS 155

Hope this sounds ok. I know this recipe sounds a bit chalenging for a newbie, but what the heck i will give it a go lol :lol:
I'd personally not do a 3% superfat. I won't make anything with lower than 5% and most of my soaps are between 7-10%.
Hi iam doing a 3% superfat discount when i put the recipe in soapcalc and then iam adding an extra 5% shea butter after the cook so my superfat will be 8% @ the end. :)
Hi Debbs,

Sounds good, why dont you give it a try? Part of the fun of soapmaking is experimnetation. Your recipe sounds quite challenging, but if your up for the challenge - go for it!

Its taken some of us MANY trials to get here.

Just give it a go :D
Just be aware that for your first soap, if this batch doesn't turn out the way you like, you've done so much to it that it may be very difficult to determine what part(s) of the recipe didn't work for you. That is one reason to start simple. Once you are comfortable with making soap and know what a basic recipe will produce, then it is easier to figure out what worked well (or not) when you experiment.
Just add the extra shea butter in the beginning. The lye doesn't know what to leave alone. It just makes it easier to add all the oils/butters together. Good luck!
Shoould i do a water discount as iam adding 5% shea butter at the end of the cook. Will it make the soap to soft with the full water and 5% shea, or will it be a trial and error thing.
Up date i have made the soap

All i can say is WOW the soap turned out wonderful. Its creamy, bubbly, and so silky soft. This is the soap i will be making for years to come.

Thank you for all for all the help and advise! :D