My 1st CP soap - a failure probably

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2009
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48 hours ago my first batch included 4 oz CO, 5oz extra virgin OO, 6oz Grapeseed oil, 4.1% lye discount and 5 drops of Lavender EO. My trace was very yellow and after 24 hours its color faded a little and there was some white clouds (or lighter yellow) on its surface. I forgot to wrap my mold with baking paper so now I have to put it in freezer 20 minutes for unmolding. Effort of unmolding after 24 hours of molding created some cracks in edges and little cracks in sides. I will upload pictures when I got it sliced.
Here is a pic 24 hours ago. 1st pic is the top surface

This is the bottom, it is still a little sticky. I had to cut off my plastic mold to get it off (patience is not my friend :oops: )


I think my batch is bad. Watch out my case :roll:
the top of you soap looks like it has ash, so that doesn't mean that it is a bad batch. leave it a couple of days, then test it. see if it zaps - don't write it off just yet.
You only forget to line or grease your mould once. :lol: I have nasty memories of digging my first batch out of the plastic container. I bent every implement I used. LOL.
remember it's your first try! Nobody ever gets it perfect the first time!! that's why we pratice and practice!! :D Don't let it get you down just get back in there and keep up the great work! :D
Thanks guys for welcoming so nicely!
My soap looks so yellow, is it because of too much grapeseed oil?
My tongue is fine when licking the surface, but my finger is oily when touching it .
I am so out of patience. I might try CPOP after a few more batchs :roll:
Live and learn is my motto, especially with soapmaking. It really does not look so bad, the ash can be caused from several factors but you can scrape that off. The cracking could have been from over heating. Keep working at it, you will be amazed by how much you learn with each attempt. Like one said, you will never forget to line your mold ever again.
I must confess that the cracks happened because I tried to get it out without freezing and cutting off the mold :p
the grapeseed oil is more then likely what made it yellowie.. I used some yesterday with my salt bars and it gave my batch a yellow tint.. but then I went with it and added yellow coloring and sorts :D
Don't write it off yet! Ok, it's not the prettiest thing you'll ever make, but Oh My! you should have seen my first batch! :lol: Now THAT was sad!

Agree top is probably ash, and forgetting to line the mold? Maybe only once - i'm embarrassed to say it was twice for me! :oops:

Let it cure for awhile, you'll still have wonderful soap in the end.
You guys are very nice :D . Hopefully next batch would be better. I got many experience from this first bad batch :)) . The bottom surface is still greasy and oily when I touched it, but then when I washed my hand, I felt quite good.

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