Moon cake press first attempt

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One thing I do that helps immensely is to whisk my mix almost every time before packing a new press. And if the mix gets too wet and starts sticking, I use a piece of plastic wrap to line the disc. The mix always releases cleanly from that. Good luck, and hope you figure it out!
Unfortunately I have no helpful advice, just solidarity - the first time I tried to use a moon cake press, the first 2-3 were just immaculate and then everything fell apart, so after lots of grumbling and frustration my first try became my last. 😂 I still don't know what happened, but I think it didn't help that I couldn't lock the plate with the design into the rest of the press even though it looked like you were supposed to. I switched to a 3D-printed press/mold and have had success with the plastic wrap trick!
I have only used my moon press for shampoo bars. My first attempt was so much of a disaster that I almost put the mold in the trash. Before using it the second time, someone suggested using plastic wrap in the mold, adding the mixed ingredients a little bit at a time and then pressing down on a hard surface. That gave me pretty much perfect little shampoo bars. The third time I used a slightly different design in the mold and as the bar came out it tore the plastic wrap. I think that was due to the different design. But they still came out pretty and usable.