Moon cake press first attempt

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2018
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Just got my moon cake press and made a batch of Salt cakes (blue) and bath bombs (pink)! I have to say they came out pretty cute, but there definitely seems to be a learning curve to get the fine details to remain with their companion puck-mates! You can see in the pic the ones on the right were the first bath bombs, looking a bit ragged. I think the mix was too dry so I spritzed a little more alcohol and that seemed to improve the outcome! The Salt cakes have less detail because I kept the epsom salt as-is, but I love the outcome, they look so decadent! Just wanted to share the excitement
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Thanks! It really is a cool tool. I haven't made shower steamers yet, but it'll happen at some point! Can't wait to see what you make, I love seeing all the creative artistry here :)
Well, that did not go as planned. They smell amazing, I'm happy with the colour but they stuck like crazy. I'm assuming it's because my mix wasn't moist enough but I didn't want to add so much that they started to fizz. I ended up pressing the remainder into a silicone mold. I used the Two Wild Hares recipe; I might try a different recipe next time. This was an exercise in frustration!

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There is a little learning curve. Salt cakes are definitely better if the salt is fine.
BB are always an issue as you have to have the correct moisture... I am NO expert at it at all.

My only issue is my BB ( the few I have done) kinda sink. I like to really PACK it in there which defeats the purpose of the fizziness .
I had one BB that had a bit too much oil in it, in a round mold and it fattened out on the sides. Looked WAY cool but not good.
Still trying to do a recipe where it is JUST CA, BS, mica, PS80 AND have it float in a moon cake
Very pretty. I’ve had a moon cake press for almost 2 years. Never used it but decided to give it a go last night. What fun. Did take some tweaking but worked for the most part. Yes, if too dry it sticks in the grooves.
Well, that did not go as planned. They smell amazing, I'm happy with the colour but they stuck like crazy. I'm assuming it's because my mix wasn't moist enough but I didn't want to add so much that they started to fizz. I ended up pressing the remainder into a silicone mold. I used the Two Wild Hares recipe; I might try a different recipe next time. This was an exercise in frustration!

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This don't look bad at all! I love the triangles :) what scent did you do? I like to think of this as my "working on my patience" exercises lol!

Did you try them yet?
Do they float or sink
I tried them tonight and the BB floated! Other round ones I've made rarely float, I think I pack too tight but the press seemed to regulate my forceful packing for me :)

Thanks evergone! I used slsa in them and am happy with the bubbles. Has anyone added other liquid surfactants to their BB's? I wonder how the results would be, or would it end up more as a bubble bar type product?

Very pretty. I’ve had a moon cake press for almost 2 years. Never used it but decided to give it a go last night. What fun. Did take some tweaking but worked for the most part. Yes, if too dry it sticks in the grooves.
I agree, the more dry my mix was, it stuck more. Plus it's pretty dry where I'm at in CO, so I feel I had to adjust as I went to keep it at the right consistency.
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I think I pack too tight but the press seemed to regulate my forceful packing for me :)
I agree... it takes a bit of time to get it right, but the plunger part helps to give a nice even press without too much effort... and they drop out easier too. Good job on your first try!
@Alzie, they're scented with Sweet Orange and Lemon EO with menthol. They smell amazing!
Sounds delish!! I haven't worked with menthol crystals, but have read through a lot of posts so that's in my future!

I agree... it takes a bit of time to get it right, but the plunger part helps to give a nice even press without too much effort... and they drop out easier too. Good job on your first try!
Thanks! Yup, it definitely helps me manage my over zealous packing compulsion
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I got the 50g that has a round press with 6 discs and a triangle with 6. I want a square on too :)
I bought a press and a very large bag of Epsom salts some time ago. Already had the CA and the BS. I need to pull everything out and give it a go.
Highly doubt anyone will see this since it's such an old thread.........but could yall give me some tips on these %&@#$! Moon Press ? I have the square, triangle, smaller round and mid round ... Last night I used the 50g round with slightly swirled petals.. First time unpacking, put it together, stuffed it with shower steamer mix and ever single one of them came out perfectly f rom the first one to the last. I immediately started another batch and here's what happened........ ( I've posted this exact thing on two bath bomb groups on FB and not a single person has even gave the impression it was seen,, (also let me add that I just now gave up on yet another batch after messing with it dry, wet,, middle.......... same as last night and I get either only 1/2 of it out or 2/3 and the top stuck in the mold...

Using a Moon Cake Press for shower steamers.....what makes the top and/or sometimes from the middle, stay stuck in the mold? First batch with that one did perfect no problems... second batch same formula, worked on this sob for 3 hours... wet, dry, middle... it's driving me insane... any tips ? EDIT : I forgot to add, the batches were done back to back in about a 30 minute time frame and the humidity was the same in the room.
8 oz citric acid
16 oz baking soda
2 oz white kaolin clay
1 0z FO
0.60 oz 91% rubbing alcohol
0.25 oz Polysorbate 80