Is Monkey Farts fo supposed to smell like Amoxicillin? I ordered some fos and the Monkey Farts came smelling like straight up Amoxicillin pink liquid med that is given to kids when they're sick. My Dragon's Blood didn't come smelling right and neither did my Butt Naked come smelling like either I have ever bought before. The Butt Naked didn't smell like it at all and the Dragon's Blood smelled like the Patchouli they sell. I'm seriously wondering what has happened. I bought 1lb of each and now am let down because I liked ordering from this company and don't know what to do now. I've never bought Monkey Farts fo before but I'm just am pretty sure it shouldn't smell like medicine. I will never be able to sell the DB or the BN because they don't smell right and everybody knows what they are supposed to smell like. Advice please? I've had others smell them for me in case my nose is acting up but they all said they didn't smell right as well. The BN smells like a cleaner from the cleaning products aisle instead of the good sweet bubblegummy/cotton candy smell it usually has when I've ordered it before.