diy happy sells very reasonable multi-cavity silicone molds in a variety of shapes that work great for soap. They ship from Hong Kong, I believe, but it's surprisingly quick.
You know what? I thought about buying the Wilton's brownie bite mold, and then I went to the store and while wandering through the chips aisle, I saw the Pringles. PRINGLES cans. Of course! No new molds to buy, more money for me.
Similar to the Pringles can idea, I like to use Crystal Light containers (and the off-brands) for small soaps. They don't have to be lined like Pringles cans, just spray with Pam.
Another thing I like to do is make my regular loaf soaps and slice them thin.
I've never lined Pringle's cans...just ripped them apart
Judymoody, I've ordered from happydiy before (on Etsy), and your mention of it prompted me to go see what might be new. But...there's no shop anymore. Do you know of another storefront for them? I did find diymoldshop on Etsy, do you think it's the same person/company? And...why would they change shop names, I wonder. This shop actually offers some micas as well as loaf molds, which I don't recall happydiy offering.
Pringles cans are awesome. I make the junk-food eaters in my life save them for me when I host soap seminars (participants can take their soaps home directly; a Pringles container holds a 1-lb batch). I also swirl in them using cardboard in which I have cut notches. Unfortunately one-use, but works a charm.