Molding/Stamping Curing Soap?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2015
Reaction score
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
This is a bit of a strange idea, but I've had it going through my head since I started soaping and finally thought I'd ask about it.

Has anyone considered or even tried using some kind of high pressure mold to create uniform soap shapes with soap that's at the cutting stage or with shredded soap? I've been thinking of an acrylic mold poured around a silicone liner, attached to a lever device (like a can crusher) to force the two mold halves together and shape the soap. If more force is needed, an aluminum mold wouldn't be difficult, and a hydraulic floor jack could provide the pressure.

I know the idea of making uniform soaps like this is kind of a 180 degree departure from artisan soap making, so it's probably unlikely that anybody has tried something like this. Just wondering.
There are a lot of videos on youtube -- [ame=""]click here for one video, but search "soap stamping" and you'll get more.[/ame]

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