mold question

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
So if one uses a pour mold (as opposed to log mold)-the backs of the soap will always be flat. (as far as I can tell.)

What type of molds, that are shaped (like oval square...or seashell or something), can you use where either its designed on both sides or not just flat on the back? I've seen some pics in the gallery-but everything I've looked up seems to be design only on the front.

I thought about somehow putting 2 together-but then it seems it would be gigantic.
Hello, BJBJ

My English isn't good, you want both length side of soap bar not "flat" "designed on both sides".
That will be 3D design and this kind mold is more expensive to proudce it.

2D or 3D design, almost same -- 5 side of soap bar.