MMS Sunflower Oil

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Jul 15, 2022
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United States
Have any of you bought high oleic sunflower oil from Majestic Mountain Sage? I'm wondering how it will perform in my soap recipe compared to the HOSO I can buy in smaller bottles at my local grocery store. With the waxes not removed in the MMS oil, will my soap be harder, softer, more/less conditioning, ect?
Soaper's Choice HO sunflower is probably comparable to the MMS oil -- it's been "winterized" which means any solids have been removed that form when the oil is chilled.

I don't buy stuff from MMS if I can source it elsewhere, because MMS is usually more expensive and I can't justify the difference in cost.

I've used Soaper's Choice and grocery store HO sunflower oils, however. I haven't noticed any differences between the two, although I admit I haven't been consciously paying attention either. Even so, I'd think I'd probably notice if something was markedly different.
Thanks. I would like to buy from MMS because their HOSO is grown here in the US, but I'm not sure if I can justify the cost because shipping is higher than the cost of the oil! I need to sit down and do the math when I have a few minutes and compare the cost per unit from MMS (including shipping) vs the smaller bottles I have been buying locally.