Mixing 100% Coconut Milk & Lye

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Short answer, you should be ok.

If the coconut milk has a lot of natural oil in it, then when you add the lye to it then those oils will begin to saponify. This will thicken the solution. No problem unless your SF% is really high overall, then you may not saponify your other oils as much you expected.

I use liquid milk (goat, coconut, almond, oat, etc.) rarely, so am looking forward to hearing what others have to say.
If it didn't burn, it should be ok. Even if it burned, it should still be okay, if you don't mind the color change (if there's any).

I use frozen milk and by the time I mix the lye solution with the oils, it gets thick, as @Nona'sFarm said ‐ saponifying. I just strain it to make sure there are no undissolved crystals in it, and I soap as usual. You should be fine

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