Mice ate my soap

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I've been checking at the boutique carrying my soap, and last night mice ate the oatmeal off my soap. I spread a thin layer on the one inch top, and so I go into replenish the stock and with the precision of small surgeons, they took every last crumb.

They didn't touch (eat) anything else, so I removed all the oatmeal topped soap. This is so weird because it is a high end clothing store...
It might have been waterbugs. They do that as well. You don't see them in the day, but by night they are little boogers.
The Queen said:
It might have been waterbugs. They do that as well. You don't see them in the day, but by night they are little boogers.

it was so bizarre when I saw it, and I pressed the oatmeal into the tops and every grain was missing...the soap was undisturbed :lol:
EEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! :shock:

So sorry that happened to you. What did the owner have to say?

Nothing weird about that at all. High end restaurants can have roaches, high end clothing stores can have mice, it's all just keeping up appearances.

Kind of comical though, that mental image.... why don't you wrap the soap?
heyjude said:
EEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! :shock:

So sorry that happened to you. What did the owner have to say?


he's a really cool dude, he hadn't noticed what had happened. I swapped some labeled bars for my naked (and now eatten) bars, my stuff will probably stay only until Saturday, when I do a street fair.

It was a great trial run, he said there was a lot of interest, curiosity, BUT he admitted he was not good at talking about handmade soap. We have a standup placard that talks about handmade soap right by the basket but he said few people read it.

I had to admit, it takes some cajooling, not much but some to get folks to buy that first bar of handmade soap.

So now I understand the need for packaging (and he priced my stuff way too high, but I didn't want to impose on his ideals in his store)

getting back to the mice/bug feast, he laughed...the store is really clean its just in an urban commercial district, where the vermin knows all the shops close at 6pm
They would totally eat through anything you were to wrap them in too. I have seen it happen through plastic wrap & thick paper.
Danielito said:
Nothing weird about that at all. High end restaurants can have roaches, high end clothing stores can have mice, it's all just keeping up appearances.

Kind of comical though, that mental image.... why don't you wrap the soap?

I read about the importance of packaging, I wanted to take my time but balance that with my NOT having the patience to wait before I introduced my product to the public.

so I put my naked soap out there with my "naked self", about a month into soaping I sold my work along with the soaps from a natural soap wholesaler at our city's daycare provider convention, I was frank about my experience, I had to share alot of basic info about soap making, and I sold $100 worth of soap, everyone got in ingrediant list and my business card, sold the soap naked from a basket.

Now as my recipes get better I am looking at packaging and labels

I just wasn't comfortable having a professional package on a product I had no feedback on.

:shock: oh, my!

well i hope the little beggars get a belly ache and burp bubbles!

good luck on your street fair-i hope you do well! i love the atmosphere of the sidewalk vendors and the throngs of people.
I am sorry to hear about your soap - but it did give me a really funny picture in my head.!
Jeremy said:
May I suggest , next soap, rat poison cheesey wheesey, then back to regular soap , nooo problems.

yes I hope whatever ate that soap is sick to it's stomach
I wonder if the mice ever eat any of the clothing in the boutique, or any other packaging or anything. Don't they eat basically anything they can get their little teeth into?
haha, pish posh... heavy plastic and tin foil?! The rats in NYC eat through brick! I've also seen mice go through steel wool... the determination amazes me. :lol:
Imblebee said:
haha, pish posh... heavy plastic and tin foil?! The rats in NYC eat through brick! I've also seen mice go through steel wool... the determination amazes me. :lol:

I agree with you here. They will stop at nothing to get in a building if it is winter. The strange part is how easily they can slip thru under doors and all. I thik they are like cats...... if they can get their head thru it they can get in. LOL

Val wrote:
I agree with you here. They will stop at nothing to get in a building if it is winter. The strange part is how easily they can slip thru under doors and all. I thik they are like cats...... if they can get their head thru it they can get in. LOL

I am totally creeped out now and don't think Ill be able to go downstairs into my unfinished basement without a bat in hand. Ugh!!
ok, here's a lesson for you. package your soaps appropriately. you may have to shift for different venues and you may have to compromise or even spend money.

because I personally wouldn't sell soap that mice have been walking around on even if they weren't eaten. mouse pee is NOT your friend.


(and they love rancid soap too, or so I've heard from my peeps in the 'hood)

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