Micas and other colorants for CP

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
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I'm wondering what people use to get those vibrant colors found in pretty soaps. Are those mica's?
Where is the best place to buy micas? Is there any difference in quality?

What other colorants have you used and were pleased with the results? I have used some natural colorants and had good results. I've used BB's lab colors and not been happy, but I don't think I"m using them correctly. This week I used a red iron oxide that gave good results... it turned a deep brick red.

What colorants did you try that you didn't like?

I have looked for threads on colorants, but I can't find a comprehensive discussion on different colorants.

thank you for that link! I was just on that site and didn't see the bundles that you posted.
Loolee ~ TKB no longer sells pop micas.

TKB sells some good micas, but some micas do morph in high ph environments. I like using oxides & ultramarines. Finding the right colors that work in your CP recipe can be a lot of trial and error though. I get a lot of my colors from Natures Garden & Bitter Creek North.

Most natural colorants & herbs will fade in soap though, except clays, cocoa & coffee.
I am testing for replacements for POP's right now. I like the neons from TKB alot, but miss the sheen and shine of micas. I have found almost exact matches for the POP! micas. I'm pretty excited. I missed them! You can see the test results on my blog here http://www.nurturesupply.com/blog/
Cosmo said:
I am testing for replacements for POP's right now. I like the neons from TKB alot, but miss the sheen and shine of micas. I have found almost exact matches for the POP! micas. I'm pretty excited. I missed them! You can see the test results on my blog here http://nurturesupply.wordpress.com/

Ooh, very cool! Are you going to be selling these?
I definitely will when (and if) I can get them perfect, or at least really close to it!

I'm really happy with the results so far, though. :)
Loved the blog post, Cosmo! I'm a mica user too, but never had the chance to use the pop micas. Everyone raves about them, though. That being said, I love some of the neons from BB (the yellow is my favorite), and some of the neons from tkb. The neon red from tkb comes out as a bright bright orange though. But it's beautiful! I've also had a lot of luck with ultramarines from both places, too.

If you're going for a deep black, can't beat activated charcoal in my opinion. Little goes a long way.
Thank you! :) Activated charcoal is what I use for black, too. It's wonderful, stays deep and true black, and doesn't bleed onto a washcloth.

I miss my POP's. I hope I can find a good replacements for all of the colors. The neon's are great, too. They just don't have the pizzazz and shine of the POP's, though.
I wonder why they would stop selling such a popular product. Everyone used them it seems like. I feel like I missed out! But I've only been soaping for a bit over a year, haha.
I don't think anyone really knows. There's only speculation. It's sad, though. They were truly awesome soap colorants!

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