MICA for CP soap--- Why do some companies not sell it?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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I had this issue when making an Olive Oil CP soap. I used a Mica that turned out to not be CP safe.

I went back to the site and checked and none of their Micas were CP safe.

I later checked another site and the first Mica was listed as safe.

Why would a supplier offer only Mica that were not CP safe.

Are most Mica Not safe?
It may not be that the Mica is not safe it is just that they haven't tested it and do not want the liability. Mica is not just used for soap.
I mostly use micas when colouring soap. I buy these from a supplier that lists which products they've been tested in and how they worked. They list different types of soap like CP, M&P etc and different types of skin products like lip balms, eyeshadow etc.
there is "safe" and there is "stable".
many micas are not stable at the high pH of soap.

as far as safety, if they are approved for use in cosmetics (on skin) they are safe for the body.

for use around the eyes is another hurdle, so if you are making a facial soap you might want to look into it, but I hardly think that is necessary unless you are going to sell your soap as a facial soap specifically. but I could be wrong about that.

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